The Power of Habit Formation: Can Healthy Habits Be Your New Reality?

Mantas Bučys
2 min readSep 14, 2023


Understanding the Mechanics of Habits

Habits are the silent architects that shape our lives. We perform approximately 40 percent of our daily actions out of habit, and these habits play a pivotal role in shaping both our present and our future. Changing our lives, therefore, hinges on our ability to change our habits.

Deciphering How Habits Operate

A habit is a repetitive behavior ingrained in our routines to the point where we perform it almost subconsciously. In essence, our brains process habits, allowing us to carry them out on autopilot.

The Evolution of Habits: From Harmful to Healthy

It’s essential to recognize that our brains didn’t evolve with harmful habits; rather, these habits often develop as a coping mechanism to alleviate anxiety or address other unwanted conditions. The good news? You have the power to change your habits at any time.

The Role of Persistence in Habit Formation

Many of us are familiar with the magic spell, “I’ll start on Monday.” Gyms see a surge of new members on Monday, only to witness a drop-off within a week as motivation wanes. But what if we all started without waiting for Monday? Taking small steps, such as walking 3,000 steps a day, and gradually increasing the target by 100 steps each day can be remarkably effective. Remember, it takes approximately a month for habits to truly take hold.

The Lifesaver: Habit Tracking

Monitoring your habits serves as a powerful reminder and constant encouragement to take action. Research shows that people who track their habits, whether it’s quitting smoking or adopting a healthier diet, are more likely to succeed compared to those who don’t. Observing our habits creates an internal drive that kick-starts the desired behavior. By simply tracking your daily habits, you can achieve greater results.

What Healthy Habit Are You Ready to Cultivate?

Now, the question for you is, which healthy habit are you ready to embrace and nurture? Remember that habit formation is a journey, and each small step you take brings you closer to lasting change. So, what’s your first step toward a healthier, happier you?



Mantas Bučys

A several years ago, you'd often find a pen in my hand as I wrote thought-provoking articles on topics like Corporate Wellness and Self-Management.