The Art and Science of Manual Testing: Techniques, Scenarios, and Best Practices

Rafał Buczyński
6 min readSep 28, 2023



While automated testing plays an indisputable role in today’s fast-paced development cycles, manual testing remains crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it can catch nuances and issues that automated tests may overlook, such as subtle usability or user experience flaws. Secondly, manual testing allows for human intuition and creativity in problem-solving, which automated scripts can’t replicate. These aspects are particularly relevant for Python projects, where rapid development and diverse libraries can sometimes lead to complex interdependencies and unexpected behavior. For example, consider a Python web application using the Django framework. Automated tests may confirm that a form submission triggers the right database updates, but they may not catch that a crucial error message is displayed in an unreadable color, affecting user experience. A manual tester, using their subjective judgment, would likely identify this problem right away. Adopting best practices in manual testing can significantly improve the efficiency and reliability of the test process, ensuring that Python applications are both functional and user-friendly.

1. Fundamentals of Manual Testing

The fundamentals of manual testing serve as the cornerstone for ensuring software quality, focusing on the validation and verification of software components. The objectives are twofold: to ensure that the software meets its specified requirements (validation) and to confirm that it is correctly implemented (verification). Various methodologies can be employed in manual testing, including black-box, white-box, and grey-box testing. Black-box testing examines functionality without considering internal structures, white-box testing inspects the internal logic and code structure, and grey-box testing sits somewhere in between. These methodologies are particularly pertinent for Python projects, given Python’s dynamic nature and extensive library ecosystem. Adopting a well-rounded approach that incorporates these methodologies can improve both the efficiency and reliability of manual testing processes. For instance, consider a Python-based web application that uses Flask and SQLAlchemy for backend development. While automated tests could be used to check if the login functionality works as expected, manual black-box testing would provide additional insights into how the system responds to unexpected or invalid inputs, such as SQL injection attempts or special characters in user names. Through this multi-faceted approach, Python developers can ensure more robust and fault-tolerant applications.

2. Test Cases and Test Scenarios

Creating well-defined test cases and scenarios is pivotal for the success of manual testing processes. A standard test case usually comprises a precondition, the steps required for testing, and the expected results. This structured approach is essential for ensuring that specific functionalities are working as intended. On the other hand, test scenarios offer a broader perspective, allowing for end-to-end testing of multiple functionalities in a sequence. Knowing when to use test cases versus test scenarios can significantly improve the efficiency and reliability of manual testing, providing a comprehensive understanding of how various components interact. This is especially relevant for Python projects that often involve complex modules and libraries. For instance, if you’re developing a RESTful API using Python’s FastAPI, a test case could be designed to validate email input by testing various email formats against expected outcomes, such as acceptance or rejection. In contrast, a test scenario might involve the entire process of user registration, from filling out a form to receiving a verification email and finally gaining access to restricted resources. By combining both test cases and scenarios, Python developers can ensure a thorough examination of individual functionalities and their interactions, yielding a more robust and reliable application.

3. Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is an unscripted approach to software testing that prioritizes the discovery of new issues over the confirmation of expected behavior. Unlike traditional testing, which follows predefined test cases, exploratory testing is guided by the tester’s creativity and intuition. Techniques like session-based testing and time-boxing are commonly employed to manage and measure the testing effort. These best practices can improve the efficiency and reliability of manual testing by uncovering issues that may not be evident through scripted tests. This approach is particularly valuable for Python projects, where the dynamic typing and extensive libraries can introduce unique and often unforeseen issues. For example, imagine a Python-based e-commerce platform built with Django. During an exploratory testing session, a tester might go off-script to add multiple items to the cart, apply a coupon, remove one item, and then attempt to check out. This could reveal unexpected cart errors, such as incorrect discount calculations or issues with inventory management, that might have been missed in standard test scenarios. By incorporating exploratory testing, Python developers can more comprehensively assess their applications, ensuring both robustness and reliability.

4. Regression Testing

Regression testing aims to ensure that new code changes haven’t adversely affected the existing functionalities of the application. Typically performed after every code update, regression testing often involves manual sanity checks alongside automated tests to validate the overall system health. Utilizing a well-curated test suite and adopting priority-based testing can significantly enhance the efficiency and reliability of these processes. In the context of Python development, where the language’s flexibility allows for rapid feature deployment but also introduces the risk of breaking existing code, these best practices are particularly relevant. For instance, consider a Python-based machine learning application that undergoes frequent updates for better algorithms and performance tweaks. After implementing a new feature to improve data preprocessing, a regression test suite would not only validate that the new feature works as intended but also confirm that the existing ML models still produce accurate predictions. By ensuring comprehensive regression testing, Python developers can confidently deploy new features or patches, knowing that they have minimized the risks associated with code changes.

5. Best Practices in Manual Testing

In the realm of manual testing, adhering to best practices is critical for effectively managing the process and avoiding common pitfalls. Among these practices, maintaining up-to-date documentation and involving developers in the testing cycle stand out as particularly crucial. Comprehensive documentation ensures that test cases and scenarios are clear, reproducible, and easily modified, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of the testing process. Involving developers fosters a collaborative environment, facilitating quicker identification and resolution of issues. These best practices are of particular importance in Python projects, given the language’s dynamic nature and the rapid development cycles it often supports. Common mistakes such as incomplete test coverage or over-reliance on automated tests can be particularly detrimental here. For example, in a real-world Python project that involved a data analytics platform, the lack of thorough documentation led to several misunderstandings about how certain algorithms should behave. When errors were identified, the absence of documentation made it difficult to pinpoint whether the issue was in the algorithm’s implementation or the test itself, leading to delays and increased costs. By adhering to best practices in documentation and developer involvement, Python developers can mitigate such risks and contribute to a more effective and reliable manual testing process.


In conclusion, the significance of manual testing in the software development lifecycle cannot be overstated. It provides a nuanced approach to validation and verification, capturing issues that automated tests may overlook and benefiting from the human tester’s intuition and creativity. These qualities are particularly valuable in Python projects, where the language’s flexibility and extensive libraries offer both opportunities and challenges. Employing best practices like well-defined test cases, exploratory sessions, and regression tests can substantially enhance the efficiency and reliability of the testing process. As we look to the future, emerging trends such as AI-assisted manual testing and crowdsourced testing platforms promise to further revolutionize the field. For instance, imagine a Python web application that utilizes AI algorithms to personalize user experiences. Traditional manual testing might find it challenging to validate the myriad personalization outcomes. However, AI-assisted manual testing could simulate multiple user behaviors in real-time, allowing for more comprehensive testing. By staying abreast of these advancements and integrating them into their testing practices, Python developers can ensure that their applications are not only robust and reliable but also future-proof.



Rafał Buczyński

Experienced Python developer with a focus on backend technologies and data science.