The Ancient Roots of Cannabis in Chinese Medicine and Culture

Bud & Tender®
4 min readJun 24, 2023


The use of cannabis, a versatile and ancient plant, has been prevalent throughout human history. It has played an essential role in various cultures as a source of fiber, food, medicine, and spiritual enlightenment. Among the many societies that have utilized cannabis, China holds a unique and significant place. The oldest written record of cannabis use can be traced back to Chinese texts dating to the first century AD. This article will delve into the fascinating history of cannabis in Chinese medicine and culture, from its earliest mention in the Pen Ts’ao to its use as an anesthetic by the renowned surgeon Hua T’o, and its eventual emergence as a recreational substance.

The Pen Ts’ao: The Earliest Written Record of Cannabis Use

The Pen Ts’ao, also known as the Classic of Herbal Medicine, is one of the most ancient and comprehensive pharmacopeias in existence. Compiled in the first century AD by an unknown author, this text claimed to incorporate the original compendium into its pages. Among its extensive list of medicinal plants, the Pen Ts’ao contains a reference to “ma,” the Chinese word for cannabis.
The inclusion of cannabis in the Pen Ts’ao highlights its importance as a medicinal plant in ancient Chinese society. The text describes various uses for the plant, such as treating rheumatic pain, constipation, and even malaria. Additionally, it outlines how different parts of the plant, including seeds, leaves, and flowers, could be utilized for distinct therapeutic purposes.

Hua T’o: The Pioneering Surgeon and His Cannabis-Based Anesthetic

In the second century AD, Hua T’o, a prominent Chinese surgeon, made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of medicine. He created an anesthetic concoction called “ma fei san” by combining cannabis resin with wine. This mixture allowed him to perform painless surgeries, a revolutionary development in medical history.
Hua T’o’s innovative use of cannabis as an anesthetic showcases the plant’s versatility and effectiveness in treating pain. His work laid the foundation for future generations of physicians who would continue to explore the potential benefits of cannabis in medicine.

Recreational Cannabis in Ancient China

While cannabis played a significant role in Chinese medicine, it was also used recreationally. The Chinese were among the first people to report the use of cannabis for its psychoactive effects (Abel 1980). It is believed that recreational use of cannabis began around the same time as its inclusion in the Pen Ts’ao.
Ancient Chinese literature and poetry often reference the euphoric and mind-altering effects of cannabis. These writings suggest that the recreational use of the plant was not only widespread but also socially accepted in certain circles. The enjoyment of cannabis was often associated with leisure activities, such as listening to music, engaging in philosophical discussions, and appreciating art.

Cannabis in Chinese Religion and Spirituality

The use of cannabis in ancient China extended beyond medicine and recreation, as it also held spiritual significance. The plant was believed to have mystical properties that could aid in achieving enlightenment and communicating with the divine.
Taoist texts from the fourth century AD mention the use of cannabis in religious rituals. It was believed that consuming cannabis could help individuals transcend their physical bodies and enter a higher state of consciousness. This practice was particularly prevalent among Taoist alchemists, who sought to achieve immortality through spiritual transformation.

The Legacy of Cannabis in Chinese Culture

The history of cannabis in Chinese medicine and culture is a testament to the enduring importance of this versatile plant. From its earliest mention in the Pen Ts’ao to its use as an anesthetic by Hua T’o, cannabis has been a vital component of Chinese medical practices for centuries. Its recreational and spiritual uses further demonstrate the plant’s multifaceted role in ancient Chinese society.
Today, the global perception of cannabis is shifting as modern research continues to uncover its potential therapeutic benefits. As we move forward, it is crucial to remember and appreciate the deep-rooted history of this remarkable plant. The legacy of cannabis in China serves as a reminder of the enduring relationship between humans and this ancient botanical, paving the way for future exploration and discovery.



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