Bud Dhuu
1 min readJan 23, 2016


In my UK-centric experience, most white people are racist. It only takes a visit to an English pub or restaurant to confirm that. By the end of the evening the probability is high that one will hear racist jokes or some derogatory comment about POC.

Of course, privilege means obliviousness to the struggle: sometimes simply because the privileged don’t experience the negative side of inequality and so don’t think about it, and sometimes because of denial.

White people who consider themselves non-racist usually think of racism as spraying anti-POC slogans on walls, shouting abuse at POC in the streets etc etc. They don’t realise that it exists on other levels, such as the semi-conscious decision not to walk through a black neighbourhood at night, or the stereotyping of SE Asian people as nerdy academics.

It’s not all hostility and hatred (although plenty of it is). Much of it is just laziness, ignorance and the sheer, insulated cosiness of privilege.

