Github copilot after using 5 months

Buddhika De Silva
5 min readJan 6, 2022


The first code was generated from copilot. I was amazed. Because it predicted well.

I like to share few topics with you.

  1. What is Copilot?
  2. The backbone of copilot — gpt3
  3. Five months experience with copilot
  4. Is it good?
  5. Is it bad?
  6. Predictions for future programming with copilot
  7. Conclusion

1. What is Copilot?

Github Copilot was introduced recently(29 June 2021)
It is an AI tool developed by GitHub & OpenAI.

Based on open AI’s gpt3 algorithm.
Basically, it is a code autocompleting tool when you code.
On the other hand, it is a huge productivity tool for programmers. It solves a big problem.

Let me explain

when you are stuck at a code as a programmer. what do you do?

yes, you will start googling

then you will,
See some StackOverflow answers
See some articles
try some Stackblitz example projects, etc.

And get some idea, sample code,
finally, you will solve the problem and continue the development.

To that process, considerable time amount you need to spend.

so Github copilot directly address that time amount and made it to zero.
that means it going to replace that process.

From the above images, you can see the process and how it simplifies.

2. The backbone of copilot — gpt3

GPT-3, or the third generation Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a neural network machine learning model trained using internet data to generate any type of text. Developed by OpenAI, it requires a small amount of input text to generate large volumes of relevant and sophisticated machine-generated text.
-Ronald Schmelzer, Cognilytica

You can get started gpt3 with this GitHub repo.

But you need some access token to access the openAI API, You can request a token from here.

3. Five months experience with copilot

I have tried it for 5 months now and I am amazed.

Points I need to highlight

when I comment that I need code samples will generate under the comment.

the best thing is copilot uses the existing variable names of the current file.

basically, the copilot knows the existing code and predicts what to do next.

learned optimized code.

I used for already coded codes.
In sometimes its generate optimized code with a minimum no of lines than I already coded codes.

4. Is it Good?

Definitely. it is the best code completing tool I ever used. It's better than IntelligentJ / Kite( i personally used these)

5. Is it bad?

Don’t know.
But I feel a bit of fear of copilot one day getting our programming jobs like an AI programmer better than any programmer in the world.

6. Predictions for future programming with copilot

Behind the Copilot are some IT giants, Microsoft, OpenAI.
Microsoft already serving some AI services with their azure cloud.
( )
Sometimes, MS can serve an improved version of Copilot, without needing a programmer to code like real AI programmers.

For the software development industry, the most valuable resource is the software developers and the most costly resource also.

But Copilot has the ability to replace developers, one day.

If the azure cloud has a service to rent AI programmers like if you want to build a software solution, you can explain to AI programmers, and then code will generate in real-time with an azure service.

Do you think that is possible?
Yes, At present it is possible now.
These days OpenAI experimenting with that idea and they already developed a working prototype, It's called CodeX.
In the video, you can see how it works.

Will see the future.

7. Conclusion

Github copilot is a really good tool.

It is nice to look at gpt3, with gpt3 you can do magic.
Gpt3 can help developers to get magical ideas to the real world.

Copilot can feather improve and owned companies can make decisions and all the thing up to future. Will see.

All the things are now covering up with automation using AI.
Older jobs are not present now, because of AI, where are the translators now?
Where are the typewriters now?
They're gone with after-coming AI tools.
But remember developers are special creatures who can learn new skills fastly compared to others. So If you are a fast learner, logical thinker you can survive.
Good luck and Will see the future.

Update — Red alert
Now they ask to get a subscription to use copilot.

