Buding Star
11 min readJan 4, 2018

Effective Home Remedies to Stop Diarrhea in Babies

Diarrhea or loose motion is bacterial infections accompanied by cramps, blood in stools and even sometimes fever. It is a stomach disorder characterized by frequent and very soft or watery bowel movements. The baby becomes very upset and weak and hence it becomes very complicated for mommies to face this difficult situation. Therefore, in this blog, we will understand the causes of diarrhea, its effect along with its symptoms and most importantly we will discuss the effective home remedies to stop diarrhea in babies (for the babies above the age of 6 months).

What is Diarrhea?

Diarrhea or loose motion in babies is the condition when a baby passes its stools frequently being watery in nature and more than three times in a day. If a baby is passing stools like fine paste, normal in color and even frequently then it is not a sign of diarrhea.

Usually, it is cured by itself within 2–3 days without any medical help, but if it does not cure by maximum four days then it is good to consult pediatrician (or child specialist) immediately.

Causes of Diarrhea

The causes of diarrhea can be the following:

  • Infection: An infection with a virus, bacteria or even with parasites. Babies are very much prone to the infections as they pick up the germs through their toys or either though the contact of surface. So therefore, they get infected quickly due to the virus and bacteria.
  • Food Allergy: A food allergy can also be a cause of diarrhea. A food allergy happens when a baby consumes any unhygienic food. For example, Cerelac or any formula milk is always been advised to give immediately after the formation, but if we overlook this instruction and give this supplement after the long duration of its formation time, then our baby can get ill or allergic.
  • Drinking too much fruit juice: There is a very famous saying that an excess of anything is harmful too. So it goes with the consumption of fruit juices too. Most of the mommies prefer to give their babies much fruit juices to drink within a short interval of time. This causes a discomfort in baby’s tummy and results in diarrhea. So prefer giving whole fruit instead of fruit juice.
  • Teething: Teething phase is quite painful for the babies. They get fussier as because of the soreness and swelling of gums. During this phase, gums produce more saliva which gets into their guts and hence loosen the stools. This causes diarrhea.
  • Weather Change : A small change in weather for babies can result in loose motion too. If the baby is habitual of living hot weather then an even a minor drop in temperature can give him a frequent bowel movement and it goes for the same for those who are living in cold regions. This happens because when the weather gets changed for the babies, it takes a bit of time to get accustomed to a new weather and new foods.

Effects of Diarrhea

Diarrhea if overlooked, then can lead to several complications in babies and sometimes for an adult too. It can give the major issues like:

  • Dehydration.Dehydration is nothing but the loss of excess water from our body. As during diarrhea, frequent bowel movement takes up the water from our body in excess quantity, which leads to dehydration.
  • Diaper Rash. Babies develop diaper rash from frequent pooping and wiping. Diaper rashes can get sore and itchiness to the baby’s sensitive skin.

Symptoms of Diarrhea

The symptoms associated with diarrhea include:

  1. Abdominal Cramps.
  2. Abdominal pains.
  3. The urgency to go to the toilet.
  4. Frequent passing of loose and watery stools.
  5. Nausea.
  6. Vomiting.

Now we will discuss Home Remedies to stop Diarrhea in Babies.

Please remember that the babies below the age of 6 months should not be given anything apart from ‘Mother’s Milk’ in case of diarrhea too. Mother’s milk is a best and most healthy nutrition for the baby. Most importantly, it is a guideline from the Indian Medical Association (IMA).

Effective Home Remedies To Stop Diarrhea in Babies (for the babies above the age of 6 months):

1 ORS Jodi (Oral Re-hydration Salts and Zinc):

This is the most effective and successful remedy for the prevention of diarrhea and dehydration. ORS is made up of electrolytes and sugar which is very much beneficial for the treatment of diarrhea. This remedy is been suggested by the doctors and even the health department of the Government of India. Zinc can be consumed in the form of syrup and should be taken for 14 days even after diarrhea is been cured.

ORS sachets are easily available in the medical stores. One sachet of ORS has to mix up well in 1 litre of water and should be consumed within 24 hours. As well as .3+Zinc syrup has to be taken as per the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

2 Banana:

Banana helps to restore the potassium levels and it helps the body to absorb the essential nutrients and energy which is majorly lost during diarrhea.

You can give mashed banana to your baby once in a day, preferably at morning. This is one of the most trusted and effective home remedies to stop diarrhea in babies.

3 Pomegranate Juice:

Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants and has got fiber components too. Pomegranate is been regarded as a ‘Nature’s Power Fruit’. Its medicinal properties are being used since ancient times.

  • Give pomegranate juice at regular interval of time, this will help the baby to stay hydrated and active.
  • If you feel that pomegranate juice will be a bit heavy to digest for your baby then dilute it with little amount of water and serve it to your little one.

Personally, I use this remedy for my kids and it proves to be one of an effective home remedies to stop diarrhea in babies.

4 Curd:

Curd is a major source of probiotics. Probiotics are the live bacteria and yeasts that are good for health and especially for the digestive system. Therefore, curd helps to improve digestion, and it helps in boosting immunity.

Curd can be given to your baby in two ways:

  • Either by adding some roasted cumin powder (jeera powder) and a pinch of salt to it, or
  • By adding ½ teaspoon sugar to it

This remedy is often been termed as ‘Dadimaa ka nuskha’- as one of the home remedies to stop diarrhea in babies.

5 Chawal ka Paani (Rice Water):

Rice water is a boon to a stomach when there is situation existing called diarrhea. Rice water gives energy and easy to digest when stomach is upset.

It can be given once during the daytime as frequent consumption of rice water can lead to cough and cold as rice is cold in nature.

  • Take ½ cup of uncooked rice and rinse it properly to remove impurities and dirt.
  • Now soak the rice in water for 20–30 minutes.
  • After soaking it drain out the water and bring this rice to boil in 2 cups of water.
  • Boil it till 20 minutes.
  • Turn off the gas and let it be cool. Once it gets lukewarm then add a pinch of salt in it and give it to your baby.

6 Coconut Water:

Coconut water is very effective in treating diarrhea in babies. Diarrhea leads to the loss of several vital nutrients of our body such as sodium, potassium and many other minerals too. So, this coconut water helps in restoring these important nutrients and it is a good source of energy as it prevents dehydration too.

  • Give ½ glass of coconut water to your baby to drink.
  • It should be given once in a day preferable in the morning as giving this to your baby at evening or at night might cause him cough and cold.
  • You can increase the quantity of coconut water depending upon the age of your kid.

7 Applesauce/ Stewed Apple:

Applesauce or stewed apple is an effective and most commonly advised home remedies to stop diarrhea in babies. An apple is regarded as a miracle food and we all know about the famous proverb ‘All apple a day, keeps the doctor away’’. Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fiber which are very good for an healthy body.

For the preparation of Applesauce / stewed apple:

  • We need 1 peeled apple and sliced it into fine pieces. Wash them off.
  • Now in a bowl, take fresh water, put this sliced apple into it and keep it in low heat flame.
  • Boil them till they become soft so that they can be completely mashed.
  • Once done, let it be cool. Now, serve it to your baby.

8 Toast:

Toast provides carbohydrates and fiber, which are good to maintain healthy digestive system. It also maintains the blood sugar level which leads to the feeling of satiety.

Toast can be given to the baby at any time of the day but it is good to have during breakfast or as an evening snacks. Generally, we do not give toast to the babies who do not have teeth but those who have molars, they can have toast as a home remedy to stop diarrhea.

9 Arrowroot Powder:

Arrowroot powder is a white and flavorless powder which is generally been used as a corn flour. It is used to thicken sauces, soups, and curry. Arrowroot is nothing but the starch which comes from the tuberous roots of Tapioca plant. It contains properties which are stomach-soothing and is also an allergen-free. Hence, it is regarded one of an effective home remedies to stop diarrhea in babies.

We can give arrowroot in the form of porridge. The method of cooking is mentioned below:


  • Arrowroot powder — 1 cup
  • Jaggery liquid — 3/4th cup
  • Milk — 2 cups.


  • Mix arrowroot powder in milk and jaggery liquid.
  • Mix it well and cook it on the medium flame till the mixture gets thicken and develops in a required consistency.
  • Let it be cool till it gets lukewarm. Now you can serve it to your baby.

10 Buttermilk:

Buttermilk is low in fat and rich in Vitamin B12, Calcium and Potassium. Since milk is being prohibited during diarrhea; hence buttermilk is a good alternative for the same as it is lighter than milk and easy to digest. Even doctors prescribe buttermilk during diarrhea. It is again one of an effective home remedies to stop diarrhea in babies.

As buttermilk is a byproduct of extraction of cream from butter, hence it may cause throat infections or cold. So it is always advisable to drink buttermilk during the daytime. If the baby is allergic to cow’s milk, then please avoid giving buttermilk, as it contains the same constituents like milk.

11 Boiled Potato:

Boiled potato is a form of starch food which is easy to digest when the stomach is upset. It works like a wonder and it is one of the easiest home remedies to stop diarrhea in babies.

Boiled potato can be given in mashed form with an addition of salt (to taste) and a pinch of black pepper to make it tastier. It can be given once in a day, preferably at lunch.

12 Onion Juice:

This is generally not a very common one of the home remedies to stop diarrhea in babies, but it really works. One spoon of onion juice extracted from fresh onions can be very effective for treating diarrhea.

It can be given twice in a day. It may give a pungent smell out of the baby’s mouth but that too will go away if we give cardamom seeds to eat.

13 Carrot Juice:

Carrot is good for disturbed bowel movement. It is a high-fiber vegetable hence it helps in binding water in your gut. Fiber also helps in firming up loose stools by adding extra bulk and mass.

Carrot juice can be given to the baby during the breakfast time so as to make breakfast a healthier one even in diarrhea. Carrot juice is again one of the best effective home remedies to stop diarrhea in babies.

14 Breast Milk:

Mother’s milk or the breast milk is the best solution to every problem of a baby. It is much more nutritious and healthy for baby’s growth and development. So, please do not stop breastfeeding your baby when he/she is suffering from diarrhea.

So these were the best effective Home Remedies to stop Diarrhea in Babies.

Prevention to be taken in Diarrhea

There are many important things that we need to know in diarrhea and more importantly the prevention that need to be taken care during diarrhea.

  1. Stop milk and milk products for the time being till diarrhea gets completely cured and treated. On the other hand, Yogurt/Curd can be given to the babies as it contains probiotics which are good for treating diarrhea in babies.
  2. Avoid giving spicy food to your baby in any of the situation. Mild spices can be introduced for the first time to the babies after the completion of 8 months of age. But when your baby is suffering from diarrhea, stop giving mild spices too.
  3. Maintain hygiene and cleanliness especially in the diaper area. As infections are the most common reason for diarrhea, so hygiene has to be maintained and properly followed. Daily clean the baby’s toys as they are also a source of germs and infections.
  4. Consult the pediatrician, if you feel that diarrhea is being occurred due to some medication.

Lastly, each baby differs from one another, so the causes may also vary. So, do talk to the healthcare professional before giving any medication. If you feel that despite the application of home remedies the situation is not yet solved, then consult the pediatrician immediately for an expert advice and guidance.

Take Care!

Happy Parenting with Budding Star