Home Remedies for Curing Chest Congestion in Babies,Toddlers and Kids

Buding Star
14 min readJan 10, 2018


Sometimes even a simple romantic drive through the woods or the mountains can become irritating if your bundle of joy doesn’t sleep, eat or take the feed because of running nose, cough or cold. And what is worsens your agony is that you may find Maggi in remote villages but a doctor (forget a child specialist) may not be seen/heard for miles together. Has this happened to you anytime? For all those first time parents working in different cities, this situation can be normal and at times, it really spoils your much looked forward to holiday. It happened with me too. And that was when I started respecting my Nanima Ka Batua- a small purse kept by my Grandma with her always which was full of herbs, home-made concoctions and medicines. As a young mother, she always advised me to try home remedies to cure any common diseases in babies. Today I am going to share a few of the Home Remedies for Curing Chest Congestion in Babies, Toddlers and Kids.

But before I would like to discuss anything about using home remedies for curing Chest Congestion in babies, toddlers and kids, I would like to tell you why and how you must use these remedies.

Advantages of using Home Remedies for curing Chest Congestion in Babies, Toddlers and Kids:


  1. A home remedy is anything that you can use at home and it doesn’t require a doctor’s prescription.
  2. A home remedy can be prepared from things available in your Kitchen cabinets such as a little mustard oil, garlic, ginger and such other items. So you have no doubts about the shelf life and expiry dates of the ingredients used.
  3. You are 100% sure that the ingredients used are safe, organic and fresh.
  4. There will be nil/ less side effects of using natural medicines created through home remedies as compared to allopathic medicines in babies.

Precautions while using Home Remedies for curing chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids:

  1. Traditional home remedies for curing chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids have been used for generations which prove that they do work; otherwise people won’t be using them. But still, one needs to be careful when using any home remedy on your child because, there is always a first time.
  2. Your child might be allergic to some supplements, herbs or veggies as commonly used as honey, ginger or barley. So you need to be very careful and at times consult your doctor before you use any of these remedies.
  3. Sometimes, being a concerned parent, you may get alarmed too early and diagnose your child’s simple condition to be a major ailment. Remember: the whole aim of suggesting the home remedies for curing chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids is to enable you handle small emergencies and in fact, not let them become a serious ailment. But if you find nothing is working for your child, do not let it go on for long. Consult your doctor at the earliest.
  4. In case your child is suffering from any other allergy or ailment and taking prescribed medicine on a daily basis for it, do share with your doctor the information about these home remedies that you are giving your child for some other common ailment. For instance, if your child is asthmatic/diabetic and taking some regular medicines for it while having a congested chest; do consult the doctor about the home remedy you want to use to cure the chest congestion.
  5. And the most important precaution for any parent with a toddler: keep out any herb or organic roots/shoots from the reach of your toddler who would just love to grab and taste it.

Causes of chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids:

  1. During the winter season, there are a lot of virus and bacteria in the air.
  2. These microorganisms enter the body of the children easily as and when they catch common cold and cough.
  3. Since the immunity system of children is not so strong, the cold leads to creation and accumulation of extra mucus in the nostrils.
  4. As a result the children find it difficult to breathe as the nostrils and wind pipes are blocked with phlegm.
  5. This leads to congestion of chest with it.
  6. Due to the extremely polluted environment in modern metro cities, availability of strong chemicals in industries, food products and households, sometimes children catch allergies which further enhance chest congestion.
  7. In some cases, chest congestion is also a side effect of another major ailment such as heart ailments, asthma or tuberculosis.

Symptoms of chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids:

  1. Difficulty in breathing
  2. Running nose
  3. Extensive coughing
  4. Mild Fever
  5. Restless and generally sleepless nights
  6. Inability to suck breast milk (in case of babies below 02 years) and associated Vomiting (at times)
  7. Increased irritability and crankiness at nights/supper time
  8. Rattling noise from chest
  9. Fast breathing or Breathing through nose

Now, let’s discuss Home Remedies for curing chest congestion in Babies, Toddlers and Kids.

Home Remedies for curing Chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids:

Many times, there are no/very few medicines available in allopathy for kids under 2 years age. As a result, parents search treatments for curing chest congestion in such babies and toddlers in time-tested and effective home remedies. The internet and all parenting websites are full of innumerable home remedies for curing such common ailments as chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids. As a well read and socially active parent, you would have also tried to find out the most effective home remedies. But, you will find that some of these remedies do not work much for your baby. So do not worry and try another one. Keeping this in mind, I thought I would like to further divide my set of used home remedies for curing Chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids into three sections:

  1. Home remedies dealing with food/herbs for curing chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids
  2. Home remedies revolving around the clothing of the babies, toddlers and kids for curing chest congestion
  3. Home remedies revolving around room settings for curing chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids

Let’s begin with the first set, revolving around food items and herbs- Home Remedies for curing chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids:

  1. Feed a pinch of powdered turmeric dissolved in teaspoon of warm milk thrice in a day. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  2. Grind acorus plant in water till it becomes a thick paste. Warm this paste over a low flame and apply it over the forehead to relieve the headache and nasal block associated with cough bouts due to chest congestion. Preferred age: As the skin of baby is sensitive so this remedy should be used for babies above two year of age.
  3. Crush 1 whole medium size garlic well and extract its juice. Add a quarter spoon of garlic juice with equal quantity of honey and feed the toddler thrice a day before feeds/meals. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  4. Grind acorus in water and feed a quarter spoon of this paste to the toddler on empty stomach. Follow it up with milk. This will lead to vomiting of the cough caused due to chest congestion. As a result of the vomit, the child will be relieved and sleep/eat peacefully after that. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  5. Warm a few leaves of tulsi, thick leaved lavender and ruta (pre-heated) in an iron-pan over a low flame. Crush the warmed leaves to extract juice. Feed a quarter spoon of this juice to the toddler thrice a day. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  6. Crush the flower of vasaka plant, found abundantly in rural India and extract its juice. Mix this juice in equal quantity of honey and feed the toddler frequently in a day. This will be effective to cure the cough caused by chest congestion. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  7. Use salt in warm water and help the toddler to gargle. Gargling helps to sooth the sore throats when found during too much coughing caused due to chest congestion. It will also help to kill the bacteria in the child’s throat and reduce swelling too. It will ensure that the throat remains clear. Preferred age: For babies above 1.5 year of age.
  8. Give one teaspoon honey alone or with equal quantity of other herbs such as tulsi, mint or ginger to control the night-time bouts of cough caused due to chest congestion in toddlers. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  9. Chest congestion prevents a toddler from sleeping peacefully at nights. Make the toddler gargle with lukewarm water and an extract of licorice root before sleeping every night. This will help reduce the congestion and soothes the sore throat. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  10. The classic soup for treating all kinds of ailments associated with chest congestion such as cold, cough and sore throat is the chicken soup (for all non-vegetarians). Chicken soup offers relief to upper respiratory tract infections and reduces the pain caused due to chest congestion to toddlers. Preferred age: For babies above 8 months of age.
  11. Mix a pinch of Jayfal (Nutmeg) powder with mom’s milk/ cow’s milk/honey and give one teaspoon twice a day on empty stomach to the child. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  12. Use a saline solution free of preservatives inside a syringe as a nasal wash drop. Make the child sit/lean or stand over a bath tub or a sink. Ensure that their head is raised and then you gently squeeze 2–3 drops of the solution in the syringe into their nostrils at least thrice in a day. This mixture and a mixture of sea water and nasal wash will increase their chances of recovery from the cold and blocked nose caused due to chest congestion. Preferred age: Remember this solution is to be used for babies above 2 years.
  13. Combine 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey and put it into the microwave for 2 minutes to warm up. After it has warmed up, give 1 teaspoon of this mixture to your child for three times in a day. Preferred age: Remember, honey is not very safe for babies under 1 year, so use honey for babies older than 1 year.
  14. Use peppermint sprays for sore throat if accompanied with coughing due to chest congestion. Peppermint contains anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties due to which curing chest congestion becomes easy. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  15. Encourage your child to enjoy fresh citrus juices, rich vitamin C, kiwi fruits, oranges and pumpkin seeds which are rich in zinc. These help to lessen the duration of any cough and cold that arises due to chest congestion. Preferred age: Once solid foods are introduced to baby, then this remedy is useful.
  16. Blend 2 tablespoons lemon juice with 1 tablespoon honey and add a pinch of cayenne pepper. If you don’t have cayenne pepper, use a little quantity of freshly grated onion instead. Onions trigger the cough reflex and bring up the mucous/ phlegm. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  17. Another onion recipe is to peel and chop 6 medium onions and put them with 4 tablespoons of honey into a bowl set over a pan of boiling water. Cover and simmer for 2 hours. Strain the mixture and give 1 tablespoon to the baby at least once a day for three days. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  18. For throat-soothing syrup, mix 5–6 cloves with a cup of honey and leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning, remove the cloves and give a teaspoon to the baby at frequent intervals. Preferred age: For babies above one year of age.
  19. For kids above 2 years, a spice tea/kadha as we know in India can also be tried. To make the tea, add ½ teaspoon of powdered ginger and a pinch of clove and cinnamon powder to a cupful of boiling water, stir and give it to the baby in a sipper to sip slowly in the daytime.
  20. An old-fashioned cure is simply giving a mulethi stick to sip to your babies of 3–5 years age. It sweetly coats the throat and its Vitamin C cures the chest congestion and sore throat.

Now, let’s take a look at the other set revolving around clothing- Home Remedies for curing chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids:

  1. Toddlers have just started to explore earth and hence they tend to move barefoot and bare handed on cold floors in the house. You cannot stop that do whatever, so don’t. Instead keep sufficient sets of toddlers’ clothing for use. Do not mind changing their clothes very often if you find they are wet or dirty.
  2. Come winters and increase the layers of clothing to minimum two layers of soft clothing topped up with a warm woolen sweater or a jacket.
  3. Also make them wear socks, home shoes/boots immediately after their bath. Do not let them play on the floor without any clothing.
  4. In case the cough and cold becomes a common feature in winter, try using a head gear such as a cap in the shape of their favourite animal or some sounds/lights/funny things. Just be careful and see that it doesn’t hurt them but protect them from the chilly winds.
  5. Do not let the child carry on with a fully loaded diaper or wet pants. In fact, ensure that none of their clothing is wet, especially the upper body ones. The chest, ears and back must always be warm and well-protected.
  6. Try using home-made woolens or soft hosiery or cotton inner so that the child doesn’t become too irritated with so many layers of clothing.
  7. Wipe the child well after bath and only then start clothing him/her. If you have given a head bath to the child, see to it that the hair is not wet for a very long time. Tie a soft towel on the head and dry his hair slowly without too many jerks to the neck. Once the hair is dry, then put a cap on his head.
  8. If you have to attend any parties at night in winters, see that the child is covered properly from top to bottom. Do use all clothing accessories such as gloves, socks, shoes, caps and ear covers for the baby as they are bound to venture in the open spaces in the house/hotels/malls.
  9. Teach the child to spit out the cough in the toilet or in a handkerchief, in times of need. Also teach the child to sneeze and use a handkerchief. The child should be discouraged to wipe nose or hands on T-shirt sleeves or pants after sneezing or coughing. Encourage them to use a handkerchief and wash their hands with a sanitizer after sneezing/coughing.
  10. Keep two handkerchiefs in their pockets, if possible: one to be used for sneezing/coughing or wiping nose and the other one to wipe hands before eating meals. Tell them to avoid using anybody else’s hand towels/bath towels at all times.

Now let’s move to the third and last set related to room settings- Home Remedies for curing chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids:

  1. The room in which baby sleeps must be airy, well cross ventilated and not at all damp.
  2. In case you are using electric blowers or charcoal fireplaces, be sure the baby is not in direct contact with the blower or the ash of the charcoal.
  3. If you are using plastic dry sheets on the baby’s bed, cover them with a cotton/ woolen bed cover as that way, the baby won’t feel cold at night when the temperatures drop.
  4. If your toddler loves to bundle up inside the blanket, try covering him/her on all sides in the blanket at night especially.
  5. Apply a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the pillow and the blanket to be used for the baby before you put them to sleep. When the baby will sleep, s/he will inhale the oil which will help to remove the chest congestion and let him/her breathe and sleep peacefully. Preferred age: For babies above two months of age.
  6. Leave a few drops of chamomile tincture in a bowl on the heater/radiator in the bedroom overnight. It is a comforting herb and helps to put the baby to sleep at night. Preferred age: For babies above two months of age.
  7. If your child doesn’t have any skin allergies, try applying a few drops of mustard oil in their nostrils. The warmth of the oil will clear the blocked nose and help the baby to breathe normally at night. Preferred age: 5 days after birth.
  8. Heat a tablespoon mustard oil on low flame with one/ two cloves of garlic. Once the oil is back to room temperature, massage baby’s back, legs, stomach, navel and hands with it. Wipe the baby with a warm water towel and then put on his night clothes and tuck him/her to sleep. The oil massage will slowly help the baby to remain warm throughout the night. This is one of the best home remedies for curing Chest Congestion in Babies, Toddlers and Kids. Preferred age: As long as umbilical cord of baby doesn’t fall off naturally by itself. To keep it safe, introduce massage only after 40 days of baby’s birth.
  9. In case the baby doesn’t like a massage, try applying any nasal spray/drops or even a massage with good old Vicks VapoRub. Apply it evenly on the back, chest, neck, nose and forehead. Be careful about its pungent essence which might irritate the baby for some time. But it will definitely ensure the clearance of congestion in the chest, throat and the nose during the night.
  10. Change the pillow covers and bed sheets every two-three days while the babies are down with cough and cold.
  11. Try changing the toothbrush of the baby also immediately after the cold has been cured. This will stop the infection from spreading frequently and also improve the child’s oral health.
  12. Put some rhythm/fun in your massage by using a chest percussion technique. Make the baby lie on his/her stomach on a firm bed/mat. Slap cupped hands rhythmically over his/her back, moving from the lower back up towards his/her neck. Repeat several times till you feel the child’s congestion has started to loosen up.
  13. Prepare an infusion of eucalyptus leaves and essential oil and let the baby inhale the steam through his/her mouth and nose as often as s/he wants. Rub the essential oil into the throat and chest twice a day.
  14. In case you don’t want to use balms like Vicks or eucalyptus oil, try mustard poultice to reduce chest congestion in babies. Mix one part of mustard powder and 2 parts of flour in a bowl. Add just enough water to make a paste. Spread the paste on a thin cotton towel and fold the towel in half. Apply a little petroleum jelly on the child’s chest and then press the mustard poultice towel on the chest. Check the child’s skin and remove the towel if it before it becomes red/ too hot for him/her.
  15. Try using humidifiers in the child’s bedroom to moisten the air at night in winters. This will prevent nocturnal coughing and allow the baby to have sound sleep.

So, these were the Home Remedies for curing Chest congestion in babies, toddlers and kids. Herbs are cheaper than most of the drugs, they are easily available and in most of the cases they are just as effective and often safer. A herbal tea with honey, lemon and cinnamon will have really soothing effects for your child without making him/her drowsy or irritating. That’s why I as a parent would always recommend trying out these home remedies before you take your child to the doctor for any strong medicines to cure common ailments such as chest congestion. Yes it is definitely important to talk to your doctor and clarify your doubts about your child’s health. But what is more encouraging is the idea of natural healing methods which involve non-suppression of symptoms and non-interference with body’s natural defense systems. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor and tell him about the home remedies for curing chest congestion in Babies, Toddlers and Kids you plan to start for your bundle of joy….

Disclaimer: These home remedies for curing Chest Congestion in Babies, Toddlers and Kids that I’ve mentioned in this article of mine are my own tested and tried on my baby. In case of any unfortunate effect or side effect, and if the situation worsens, you may please consult your pediatrician.

Happy Parenting!

Here’s the link : https://www.budingstar.com/blog/home-remedies-for-curing-chest-congestion-in-babies-toddlers-and-kids/

