Bud Williams
1 min readMar 9, 2017


Bill Nye is back?!?!?! When did he leave?

He is an “authority” on “evolution, climate change, and astronomy” all this with a 4 year degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Wow I though you had to have an education in such diverse topics to be an authority.

Odd, being that he is an “authority” on “climate change”, what he siad in a recent interview with Tucker Carson on FOX. HE was asked directly to state what would the temperature be like if humans were not here. He refused to answer the first 3 times he was asked, then answered.
“It would be the same as in 1750.”
My 1750?

Wasn’t 1750 that during the Little Ice Age? You know that unusually cold period from 1312 to 1855? that saw the Thames and East Rivers in freeze solid during the winter for the first time in human memory.
This was also the time during which humans invented the telescope and started observing the Sun, and discovered Sun Spots, that indicate how active the Sun is. And did the Sun have very few sun spots during this time indicating that it was giving off less heat and light?
So Mr. Nye thinks the Earth shold still be in the Little Ice Age. I wonder why he thinks that?

Here is the youtube video of the interview.

