I love reading and writing. It is the top of the most enjoyable things that I do. I write about all kinds of things, some serious and some not so serious. I sometimes dabble in poetry, sex stories and horror.

Hey! The life of a writer doesn't always have to mean serious!

If life was a book, then I would live in one.

If work was just a pen, then I would marry it (oops! That would be cheating....sorry to the husband!)

Writing to me is like tasting strawberries in melted chocolate, and the same goes for reading.

However, I do lead a life away from writing...

I'm also a carer to my husband who has physical disabilities.

I love going to the beach, fitness, sewing and yes...shopping!

You'll find a mixture of different things to read by me, so I will leave you with:

Happy Reading!

Medium member since September 2021
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Connect with Carol Townend