I wish my kids could always be under one year old

Inga Bugaeva
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2017
There won’t be anyone anytime in the woman’s life so adjective from here except her baby under 1 year old. Photo by Inga Bugaeva (instagram.com/bugaeva.inga)

For sure not every mother could agree, that the age under 12 months is the best time for kids and their parents. The first year of the first baby in the family — hard time for the most of the moms. Mother has to get used to sleepless nights or inexplainable (at the first sign) baby’s crying as soon as possible. But the main thing she has to do is to realize that her kid is not an ideal mythical baby from the books (who is always calm, smiling, obedient, absolutely trouble-free). The real mother is a mother of a real (and that’s great!) kid, who is tiny, but already has its own personality, needs, desires, right for laughing and crying.

Happy and easy motherhood is a dream for all moms. And it could come true even in the first year of her baby. Mother has to decide what makes her happy and what is not (but she could get rid of it or just minimize it). Most of the time the best way out is to have a good sleep, ignore the postpartum hormones (or release them through the crying), listen to the no any other else advises except own intuition and heart.

Photo by Inga Bugaeva (instagram.com/bugaeva.inga)

The childbirth is not the final point of the woman’s pregnancy. It’s only the first 9 months of mother/baby duo. The newborn is inseparably connected to his mom at least the next year of his extrauterine life. And it’s not the point that there is no the navel-string ever. Until the baby could walk himself, a mother will be his head, his body, his arms, and legs for that time. Just because the child under 1 year is practically still helpless, with a set of quite primitive wishes as he was in his mom’s belly.

Just have a thought: there won’t be anyone anytime in the woman’s life so depend from here except her baby under 1 year old. This relationship can be scaring and exhausted for mom sometimes, but it is the source of light, beauty, strength. Even any love struck adult will never need the other person, than newborn — his mother. And none of any duo in the world will never be so productive, than the mother/child alliance. There will be the little big Bang in the very first year of existence of their own universe: one tiny creature will turn into the human, and the other one will found out all the most important of herself.

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Inga Bugaeva
Fit Yourself Club

I am interviewing myself about how being a mom. #modernnomades #slowparenting #momoftwosons ….. my husband — https://leonsbox.com