How to perform dynamic analysis of a smart contract with Myth

5 min readSep 1, 2023


Myth is a powerful tool to find vulnerabilities in smart contracts, learn how to use it.

Myth is a tool developed by Consensys that does dynamic analysis of a Solidity smart contract. It has a paid version called MythX and a free version called Mythril. We will check out how to use the latter in this post.

If you just want to scan on-chain contracts online without installing mythril in your system, you can try my free on-chain scanner

A prerequisite is that you have already installed in your system solc (the Solidity compiler).

After that, we already can install Myth in our system:

# pip3 install mythril

After the install, just check version to validate that everything is fine:

# myth version
Mythril version v0.23.10

Basic usage:

Local directory analysis:

myth analyze <file_path>

On-chain analysis:

myth analyze -v 5 -a <ETHEREUM ADDRESS> --infura-id <INFURA API KEY>

Advanced help options:

# myth help
usage: myth [-h] [-v LOG_LEVEL] {safe-functions,analyze,a,disassemble,d,list-detectors,read-storage,function-to-hash,hash-to-address,version,help} ...

Security analysis of Ethereum smart contracts

positional arguments:
safe-functions Check functions which are completely safe using symbolic execution
analyze (a) Triggers the analysis of the smart contract
disassemble (d) Disassembles the smart contract
list-detectors Lists available detection modules
read-storage Retrieves storage slots from a given address through rpc
function-to-hash Returns the hash signature of the function
hash-to-address converts the hashes in the blockchain to ethereum address
version Outputs the version

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v LOG_LEVEL log level (0-5)

Command line options to analyse a smart contract:

# myth analyze --help
usage: myth analyze [-h] [--rpc HOST:PORT / ganache / infura-[network_name]] [--rpctls RPCTLS] [--infura-id INFURA_ID] [--solc-json SOLC_JSON] [--solv SOLV] [-c BYTECODE] [-f BYTECODEFILE]
[-a CONTRACT_ADDRESS] [--bin-runtime] [-o <text/markdown/json/jsonv2>] [-g GRAPH] [-j OUTPUT_FILE] [-m MODULES] [--max-depth MAX_DEPTH] [--call-depth-limit CALL_DEPTH_LIMIT]
[--strategy {dfs,bfs,naive-random,weighted-random}] [--transaction-sequences TRANSACTION_SEQUENCES] [--beam-search BEAM_SEARCH] [-b N] [-t TRANSACTION_COUNT]
[--execution-timeout EXECUTION_TIMEOUT] [--solver-timeout SOLVER_TIMEOUT] [--create-timeout CREATE_TIMEOUT] [--parallel-solving] [--solver-log SOLVER_LOG] [--no-onchain-data]
[--pruning-factor PRUNING_FACTOR] [--unconstrained-storage] [--phrack] [--enable-physics] [-q] [--enable-iprof] [--disable-dependency-pruning] [--enable-coverage-strategy]
[--custom-modules-directory CUSTOM_MODULES_DIRECTORY] [--attacker-address ATTACKER_ADDRESS] [--creator-address CREATOR_ADDRESS]
[solidity_files ...]

positional arguments:
solidity_files Inputs file name and contract name.
usage: file1.sol:OptionalContractName file2.sol file3.sol:OptionalContractName

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--rpc HOST:PORT / ganache / infura-[network_name]
custom RPC settings
--rpctls RPCTLS RPC connection over TLS
--infura-id INFURA_ID
set infura id for onchain analysis
--solc-json SOLC_JSON
Json for the optional 'settings' parameter of solc's standard-json input
--solv SOLV specify solidity compiler version. If not present, will try to install it (Experimental)
hex-encoded bytecode string ("6060604052...")
file containing hex-encoded bytecode string
pull contract from the blockchain
--bin-runtime Only when -c or -f is used. Consider the input bytecode as binary runtime code, default being the contract creation bytecode.
-o <text/markdown/json/jsonv2>, --outform <text/markdown/json/jsonv2>
report output format

-g GRAPH, --graph GRAPH
generate a control flow graph
-j OUTPUT_FILE, --statespace-json OUTPUT_FILE
dumps the statespace json

-m MODULES, --modules MODULES
Comma-separated list of security analysis modules
--max-depth MAX_DEPTH
Maximum recursion depth for symbolic execution
--call-depth-limit CALL_DEPTH_LIMIT
Maximum call depth limit for symbolic execution
--strategy {dfs,bfs,naive-random,weighted-random}
Symbolic execution strategy
--transaction-sequences TRANSACTION_SEQUENCES
The possible transaction sequences to be executed. Like [[func_hash1, func_hash2], [func_hash2, func_hash3]] where for the first transaction is constrained with func_hash1 and func_hash2, and the second tx is constrained with func_hash2 and func_hash3
--beam-search BEAM_SEARCH
Beam search with with
-b N, --loop-bound N Bound loops at n iterations
Maximum number of transactions issued by laser
--execution-timeout EXECUTION_TIMEOUT
The amount of seconds to spend on symbolic execution
--solver-timeout SOLVER_TIMEOUT
The maximum amount of time(in milli seconds) the solver spends for queries from analysis modules
--create-timeout CREATE_TIMEOUT
The amount of seconds to spend on the initial contract creation
--parallel-solving Enable solving z3 queries in parallel
--solver-log SOLVER_LOG
Path to the directory for solver log
--no-onchain-data Don't attempt to retrieve contract code, variables and balances from the blockchain
--pruning-factor PRUNING_FACTOR
Checks for reachability at the rate of <pruning-factor> (range 0-1.0). Where 1.0 would mean checking for every execution
Default storage value is symbolic, turns off the on-chain storage loading
--phrack Phrack-style call graph
--enable-physics enable graph physics simulation
-q, --query-signature
Lookup function signatures through
--enable-iprof enable the instruction profiler
Deactivate dependency-based pruning
enable coverage based search strategy
--custom-modules-directory CUSTOM_MODULES_DIRECTORY
designates a separate directory to search for custom analysis modules
--attacker-address ATTACKER_ADDRESS
Designates a specific attacker address to use during analysis
--creator-address CREATOR_ADDRESS
Designates a specific creator address to use during analysis

Bonus track: How to resolve the @openzeppelin dependency error

If you experience some problems with the @openzeppelin dependencies like this:

mythril.interfaces.cli [ERROR]: Solc experienced a fatal error.

ParserError: Source "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/PRC20/PRC20.sol" not found: File not found. Searched the following locations: "".
--> <file_path>:1:1:
1 | import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/PRC20/PRC20.sol";
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Use the following file remappings.json to fix the problem:

"remappings": [ "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/PRC20/=node_modules/PRC20" ],

With the following command line to resolve the dependency:

myth analyze {file_path} --solc-json remappings.json

More info:

Follow me on Twitter: @bugbountydegen

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