GoReplay (Gor) project update: new release, name update, and new site

Leonid Bugaev
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2016


It’s been a while since the last update on Gor project, but there were a lot of work done by me and community, and I would like to share it with you.

For those who came here the first time, few month ago I quit my day job to start working full time on my open-source project and try to make it my primary source of revenue. You can read bout it here: https://leonsbox.com/working-on-open-source-full-time-as-indie-developer-3693fc90d545 and there https://leonsbox.com/new-milestone-for-the-gor-project-37d9a00a68c

One of the main goals of my experiment was to make GoReplay sustainable, and it did not happen yet. I have some sales, but it is not enough. Good news that I’m optimistic, learned a lot, know direction what I should going, and will continue working on the project.

One of the main issues was lack of communication; I should be blogging more, and do more customer research and sales. And that’s what I’m going to fix.

Today i’m announcing that project changing name from Gor to GoReplay, got new site https://goreplay.org and one of the biggest releases yet: v0.15.0. See details on the each change below.

Project name update

Naming things is one of the hardest problems in computer science, and its hard to choose name which will not be swearword or something NSFW in one of the languages :)

Originally name Gor was an abbreviation for Go Replay, and I obviously did not google enough, so after the project started growing I started hearing lot of references to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gor universe, which is quite popular and well, BDSM related…
One of the fans actually wrote funny short story about GoReplay in Gor universe! :)

From now on, to remove ambiguity, the project name is back to its roots and called: GoReplay.
Note that Github link will stay the same.

New site and branding

With new name comes new logo, and site.

First version of the site was mostly copied from the http://sidekiq.org/ which I really love, but missed the most important part: good copy.

I did not spend enough time on the texts in MVP, and they were very rough and very technical. Now, instead of complex terms and focusing on features, it uses way more understandable copy with the focus on business features. It has own minimalistic look and feel, and I hope you will like it! And what most important it will drive more engagement and sales: https://goreplay.org

New release

Today I’m happy to release version 0.15.0 which brings numerous stability and speed improvement, new features for both OSS and PRO versions, and significantly improved documentation. For full changelog see github releases page for all the changes.

Main OSS changes:

  • ElasticSearch support is back from dead. Thanks to Joseph Lawson
  • When your replay from multiple files, instead of sequential read, it will read requests in proper order, even if logs was recorded on multiple machines. Thanks to https://github.com/ylegat
  • Added `--exit-after` option to specify duration after which Gor will exit, which simplify load testing and scripting in general.
  • And lot of important fixes, thanks all the contributors and customers for the detailed testing!

What I’m really excited about this long waited PRO features:

  • Recording and replaying binary protocols like Thrift or ProtocolBuffers, and basically any binary protocol.
    Have microservices talking via gRPC? Now it’s not a problem!
    And what is cool about this feature that it opens possibilities to record and replay network traffic for databases or even proprietary protocols. Stay tuned!
  • Properly recording and replaying TCP keepalive sessions, which means that GoReplay now guarantees that it will keep the same number of connections and sessions to your server while replaying original traffic. And it automatically works even with distributed configuration. You basically get the most accurate and simplest load testing solution, without any coding!

I’m so excited about possibilities which open with new features, and I hope you to! I’m going to write more about all new features, so subscribe to my twitter and our newsletter to be in touch.

Your feedback is very important to me, do not hesitate to add your comments here, or privately to hello@goreplay.org.

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