Today, pizza can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Traditionally served as a snack, pizza has become a favorite food in the United States and around the world. Its origins date back to Italy, where it originated as a flatbread dish in Naples. Its use has evolved to include a variety of toppings, ranging from vegetables to cheese and meat.

The first American pizzeria was opened by Gennaro Lombardi in 1905. He was the owner of 53 1/3 Spring Street in New York City. His thin crust pizza featured tomato puree, mozzarella, and other toppings.

After World War II, pizza became popular among soldiers returning home from the front. Pizza was also popular in the Midwest and port cities. By the 1990s, one out of every 20 meals in American homes was a pizza.

In the early days of pizza, it was sold on the streets of Italian neighborhoods. The wealthy classes were afraid of tomatoes, but peasant neighborhoods enjoyed the dish. A sliced pie was offered for a small fee.

In the late nineteenth century, Italian immigrants brought the food to the United States. After the war, Italian-Americans began moving west, settling in suburbs and cities. In the 1920s, Totonno’s and Pepe’s pizzas were created in Coney Island, Brooklyn, and New Haven, Connecticut, respectively. These restaurants sold pizza al taglio.

Some of the early toppings on pizza included olive oil, dates, herbs, honey, and cheeses. Using local ingredients was important for authentic Italian pizza.



Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria - Northridge

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