7 Must Have Features in Your Vehicle Tracking System

Edwin Ronnie
2 min readMar 16, 2018


Now that you have decided to go in for a GPS based tracking system, it is time for some research. Buying a tracker is not a straightforward decision. Remember, there are several types of tracking devices available. While there may be different types available, there are some features that are a must in a system. Let us take a look at them.

1.Voice -based instructions: Constantly looking at the display and then looking at the road ahead could lead to potentially dangerous situations. It could lead to accidents so easily. You will not face this issue with a device that features voice-based instructions. You can always listen to the instructions without taking your eye off the road ahead.

2. Real time monitoring: Another key feature that you need to look for in a system is whether it is offering real time information. This feature is especially useful if you have teenagers in your home who drive. With real time tracking you can monitor their movements and find out where all they are going. Similarly, if you are a fleet owner, you can keep a close watch on the whereabouts of the vehicles in your fleet. This can help improve the efficiency of your fleet.

3. Speed limit monitor: Another important must have feature in a Vehicle Tracking device is speed limit monitoring. Again, if there are young drivers in your home make sure that you install a tracking device in their cars with this feature. This feature also comes in handy if you are a fleet owner or a manager too. You can now find out which are the drivers that have crossed the speed limit.

4. Generation of reports: The system that you choose should be such that you can generate different types of reports. For instance, if you want to find out the distance that you have driven, then you must be able to generate a report. Similarly, if you want to find out how many times you have indulged in over speeding, again you must be able to generate a report. The system should also be able to generate maintenance alerts too.

5. User-friendly: The tracking system that you get should also be user-friendly. All the instructions must be clear and to the point. The display should be easy to understand. In fact, most of the software developers have taken note of this key aspect and ensuring that their device is as user-friendly as possible. The device should be such that anyone should be able to use it properly with a little bit of training.

6. Ease of installation: The GPS Tracking Device that you choose should also be easy to install. Beneath the dashboard is the ideal place for installing the device.

7. Price is secondary: Price should never be the primary factor for your purchase. It should always be quality first and then price next. Remember, there are scores of tracking systems available that are dirt cheap. However, many of them may not be working after a few days.

