What’s Your Resilience Quotient (RQ)?

Rajkumar Singh
3 min readNov 27, 2023


What is your resilience quotient?

Your Resilience Quotient (RQ) is the measure of your ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and maintain a positive mindset in the face of adversity. It is an imaginary number for now. But I am trying to put it into an equation.

The Resilience Equation [Proposed]

“Resilience Quotient = 5 x Response Score — 2 x Adversity Score”

Your response score has five factors — your emotional response, physical response, mental response, social response, and Time (duration) of response. Give each of them a score of 10. Please note that by the very nature of these factors, the score for some or all of them could be negative as well. On top of that, the sum of the score of these five factors is going to be magnified 5 times, so it is important to be watchful of your responses.

On the other hand, the adversity score is the perceived score that you give to adversity for its size, magnitude, and impact. Now, here is the catch, the adversity most of the time does not have its own score. It’s you who gives it a score, and whatever score you give, it is going to double itself. So, the adversity score can be kept low if you say so.

Thus, the real challenge lies in mastering the response score. Let’s see some of the factors of your response score.

1. Adaptability: — How well do you adapt to changes and unexpected situations? Reflect on instances where you had to adjust your course.

2. Optimism: — Assess your outlook in challenging times. Are you able to maintain a positive perspective and find silver linings even amidst difficulties?

3. Perseverance: — Recall instances where you faced setbacks. Did you persevere despite obstacles, or did challenges deter you?

4. Emotional Regulation: — Explore your ability to manage and regulate your emotions. How do you cope with stress, disappointment, or frustration?

5. Social Support: — Consider the strength of your support network. How well do you lean on others and allow them to support you in tough times?

Now that you have a sense of your current Resilience Quotient, here are strategies to elevate it:

1. Develop a Growth Mindset: — Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. See failures as stepping stones toward improvement.

2. Cultivate Self-Compassion: — Treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer a friend. Understand that imperfections and setbacks are part of the human experience.

3. Build Strong Connections: — Nurture meaningful relationships. A robust support system enhances your capacity to withstand challenges.

4. Practice Mindfulness: — Cultivate mindfulness to stay present and focused. Mindfulness practices can enhance emotional regulation and reduce stress.

5. Set Realistic Goals: — Establish achievable goals. This allows for a sense of accomplishment and bolsters your confidence in the face of challenges.

6. Maintain Physical Well-being: — Prioritize your health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep contribute to overall resilience.

Remember, building resilience is an ongoing process. Regularly reassess your Resilience Quotient, adjust your strategies, and celebrate the progress you make. As you enhance your ability to bounce back, you fortify your journey toward enduring success.

What do you think your Resilience Quotient is, and how has it impacted your success journey? Share your insights in the comments below.

#Resilience #UnriddleSuccess #Entrepreneurship #SuccessMindset #JustAsking



Rajkumar Singh

Founder | Entrepreneur | IP Creator | Idea to Product Developer