Coffee royalty program

Bui Xuan Chien
3 min readMay 26, 2024



Our project focused on developing a blockchain-based loyalty program for a coffee shop. The primary objective was to implement a system where customers earn tokens as reward points for their purchases. These tokens can then be redeemed either as a discount method or as a form of payment for future purchases at the coffee shop. We chose to utilize blockchain technology to ensure transparency, security, and decentralization of the loyalty program. The immutable nature of blockchain records helps in maintaining the integrity of the reward points. To keep the implementation cost-effective, we decided to run the system on the Sepolia Testnet. The Sepolia Testnet provides a cost-efficient environment for deploying and testing our blockchain-based solution without incurring high transaction fees associated with the mainnet. Tokens are distributed into customers’ MetaMask wallets. MetaMask is a widely-used cryptocurrency wallet that allows customers to easily manage and access their tokens. This integration ensures a seamless user experience, as MetaMask is known for its user-friendly interface. A database containing the wallet addresses of customers is maintained on a computer at the coffee shop. This database is crucial for tracking the distribution of tokens and ensuring that each customer’s earned tokens are accurately recorded.


Our original aim was to partner with coffee shops visited by tech-savvy individuals, as we believed these establishments would be more receptive to a blockchain-based loyalty program. Unfortunately, our initial attempts to establish such collaborations were unsuccessful. After these initial setbacks, we continued our search for a suitable partner and finally settled on Cheecup Coffee Shop in Podolí. We approached the management of Cheecup and presented our concept in detail. The discussion included an overview of blockchain technology, the functionality of our token-based loyalty program, and the potential benefits for both the coffee shop and its customers. During the presentation, we highlighted the transparency and security of blockchain, the ease of use provided by MetaMask wallet integration, and the dual redemption options for tokens (discounts and direct payment). We also addressed potential concerns and answered questions to ensure that the management fully understood the concept and its advantages. The management at Cheecup was intrigued by the innovative approach and saw the potential for enhancing customer engagement and loyalty. After thorough discussions, they expressed their interest in collaborating with us. To ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement, we agreed on a one-month probational period to test the system and evaluate its effectiveness. The probational period began on May 20th. We created a poster detailing the steps to set up a MetaMask wallet, including instructions on where to send the address and how to add tokens. At the end of the probational period, we scheduled a meeting with the management of Cheecup to discuss the results and determine the next steps.

Here is the address of token contract: 0xCd1f3751628Bf179b1362DfAA6F586d924801a93

In conclusion, our partnership with Cheecup Coffee Shop has been a significant step forward in realizing our vision of a blockchain-based loyalty program. The successful implementation during the probational period has laid a strong foundation for future cooperation and expansion. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Cheecup and potentially partnering with other forward-thinking establishments in the future.

