Your sad world might lead you to your happy world

3 min readMay 17, 2024
Photo screenshoted from pexel

In most cases there is this urge when your sad that drives you to wanting to be happy as a person

As i was growing up , i was never the attention of my family in other words i was the black sheep of the family but this never got to me because when your young a few things are in your life interest you

But there was this one day i can never forget

It was at school and parents where coming to visit there kids and since i was a day scholar i never bothered to feel bad because by the end of the day am going back home to my grandparents who where my guardians, and my friend maria who never had parents but a guardian who could not move to visit her it made me sad that she couldnt be visited by any one in particular

So i had to make sure my friend gets visited the next visitation i would not tell her that though

This girl never showed any sadness eben when she was sad , she was always happy and for me

Who was getting. some staff i wanted i was sad all the time or happy when i started a day seeing her happy .

So fast forward. i had parents and they were never. there and i didnt even give any care in the world though it usually made me sad , and maria who was an orphan and just her guardian. was always happy and it always buzzed my mind

So i decided i want to forcus and i know how to control my emotions by using my sad world to get to my happy world

I deliberatly started being maria at this point

I had to ask her about her day , what she ate and or who will visit her. next week on her visitation day , she smiled and said to me “am used to letting things be as it is”

The statement never left my brains am like there is no way am going to let this girl not have a visitation day

I went home started planning all the lies in the world because i have strict grandparents

I wanted to buy gifts , food and so much more but while your still young money is scarce

I lied about buying books and kept food somewhere to make sure i cook on that day

Full shopping with all the money i collected

Like a parent to make my friend happy and to make my sad world happy. because i wanted to know my purpose since when i was young

I had to ask at home if i can go to school to visit my friend as her parent or they should. go with me as the parent

At first my grandpa was hesitant but he allowed me to go , i was so happy i had to hide some staff to make sure am not asked about the money where i got it from

I made a suprise visit to my friend as her parent

And that is one of the best moments of my life to ne honest because i had never seen someone be so happy for the little and cry at the same time because of happiness

I loved that this situation became my best memory and when am sad i run to that memory and it reminds me everyday what can lead me and you happy:

BE KIND both to yourself and to people most of the time you will realise how somebody’s smile can make you happy too.

FORGIVE both yourself and the people around you because there is that peace of mind you get when you let go.

ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU CAN don’t ever fear to ask for help when stranded you never know what much cause it will impact on you .




When i realised i have had alot of too many thoughts that are important to be said or never , am here am let me speak to you 😊