Deny Download Files from Internet Policy

Bulitha Kawushika de Zoysa
7 min readMay 8, 2024



This policy is a security measure aimed at preventing users from downloading potentially harmful files and improving the overall security posture of the network. This policy is a security measure designed to control and restrict the downloading of files via web browser on client machines connected to a Windows Server domain. The selected feature aims to enhance network security by preventing users from downloading potentially harmful files or executables from the internet, thus mitigating the risk of malware infections and unauthorized software installations.

In this demonstration, I will show how to prevent file downloads through Internet Explorer. With slight variations, we can also restrict file downloads through Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or other browsers. Essentially, I will focus on the policy applied to Internet Explorer for simplicity in this demonstration.

The purpose of this policy is to enhance the security of a Windows Server environment by implementing a policy that denies the download of files that can be installed on the computer through Internet Explorer. This is an important security measure to prevent the installation of potentially malicious software.

In a corporate or organizational setting, managing and controlling internet-related activities is crucial for maintaining a secure and productive network environment. The “Deny Download File from Internet through Internet Explorer” policy becomes a valuable tool in achieving this goal by allowing administrators to enforce restrictions on file downloads, reinforcing the overall security posture of the network.

Feature Details

Internet Explorer allows administrators to configure various security settings to control the behavior of the browser. One of these settings is the “File Download” policy, which can be configured to prevent users from downloading files that can be installed on the computer. This is crucial for preventing the inadvertent installation of malware or unauthorized software.


The “Deny Download File from Internet through Internet Explorer” policy is part of the Group Policy settings in Windows Server. It restricts users from downloading files through Internet Explorer, helping to mitigate the risk of malware infections and enhancing network security.


This feature is crucial for organizations aiming to control and secure their network environments. By restricting file downloads through Internet Explorer, administrators can reduce the chances of malicious software entering the network through user-initiated downloads.

Potential Benefits

  • Enhanced Security - By preventing unauthorized file downloads, the organization can reduce the risk of malware infections and other security threats.
  • Compliance - Implementing such policies helps in meeting security and compliance standards, which is vital for many organizations.
  • Network Performance - Limiting unnecessary downloads can contribute to improved network performance by conserving bandwidth.

Implementation Process

  • First, navigate to Server Manager in Windows Server. Open the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) by going to Tools > Group Policy Management.
  • Create new group policy object. Right click and select New for Create new Policy. In this case create new Group Policy Object call “Deny File Download from Internet Explorer”.
  • Right-click on it and select Edit to edit this policy.
  • Configure “Allow file download” Policy under User Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer > Internet Control Panel > Security Page > Internet Zone.
  • Then right click and select Edit. After that, enable the policy and disable file downloads.
  • Apply the GPO to the desired Organizational Unit (OU) containing user accounts. In this case, I add this policy to the Student Group. Right click and select ‘Link existing GPO,’ then add the ‘Deny File Download from Internet Explorer’ policy.
  • In the client PC, open the Command Prompt and type the command ‘gpupdate /force’.
  • Now we can check whether our policy has been successfully added. Then, we navigate to Internet Explorer settings and select ‘Internet Options’.
  • Then, in the Security tab, we can see this message, indicating that our policy has been successfully added. Here, the system administrator has restricted file downloads through the policy, so the file download setting is controlled by the system administrator.
  • Then we try to change the file download setting, but it cannot be changed for Student users. Additionally, it is disabled.
  • Then we try to download a file from the Internet. In this demonstration, I configure a Windows Server and a client in a virtual machine with a local network. First, we should change the network adapter of the client PC to NAT, and then we attempt to download the file from the Internet through Internet Explorer.
  • So, we can see this warning message indicating that file download is prohibited.

Lab Observations


  • I observed that after implementing this policy, users won’t be able to download executable files or files that can be installed on the computer through Internet Explorer.
  • Verify the policy’s effectiveness by attempting to download an executable file from a trusted source and observing the browser’s behavior.
  • After applying the policy, observe how Internet Explorer behaves when users attempt to download executable files. The browser should restrict or prevent the download, based on the policy configuration.
  • Check the impact on end-users. Ensure they are aware of the new policy and understand why certain file downloads are restricted. Communicate any changes in advance to minimize confusion.
  • Confirm that the Group Policy Object (GPO) is applied to the correct organizational units or domains. Use the Group Policy Results tool to verify that the policy is reaching the intended computers and users.
  • Sometimes, there is a requirement for certain software and files to be downloadable for client users when they want to use or access them, without being stored or installed on the client PC beforehand. This type of problem can be solved using a server maintained locally connected to the client PCs’ network. The server can download and store the latest software setups and other files from the internet and distribute them to client computers locally. Then, users do not need to download files from the internet. Client PCs can request to obtain software setups and files from that server.

Challenges and Experience

  • One challenge might be educating users about the new policy. Users accustomed to downloading certain files may find the change disruptive. Clear communication and user training can address this challenge.
  • If there are existing GPOs or local settings that conflict with the new policy, it may lead to unexpected behavior. Carefully review existing policies and settings to avoid conflicts.
  • Implementing the policy in a controlled test environment before applying it to the entire network is crucial. This helps identify potential issues and allows for adjustments before full deployment. For example, due to that restriction, software on client PCs can become outdated because users cannot download the latest versions from the internet. Therefore, system administrators should address and resolve such issues.
  • Set up monitoring mechanisms to receive feedback from users. Implement a procedure to handle requests for exceptions to the policy if certain users or groups require specific download permissions.
  • Ensure that the policy is effective across different versions of Internet Explorer. If your organization uses multiple versions, test the policy on each to guarantee consistent behavior.
  • Implement security auditing to monitor and log any attempts to download blocked files. Regularly review these logs to identify potential security threats or policy violations.
  • We should also create other policies to deny the download of filesfrom the internet through other browsers like Microsoft Edge. Otherwise, client users can download files from the internet through other browsers. As default feature, Windows does not allow uninstalling Microsoft Edge. Additionally, we can uninstall third-party browsers that are unnecessary for client PCs.


In conclusion, the “Deny Download File from Internet through Internet Explorer” policy is a powerful security measure that, when properly implemented, contributes significantly to the overall security and integrity of a Windows Server environment. By carefully configuring and enforcing this policy, administrators can effectively control file downloads and reduce the risk of security incidents related to malicious downloads. Implementing this policy adds an extra layer of security to your Windows Server environment by preventing the download of potentially harmful files. It significantly reduces the risk of malware infections and unauthorized software installations, contributing to a more secure and controlled computing environment. It’s important to regularly review and update such policies to adapt to emerging security threats.

In my upcoming artcle, I intend to go over yet another crucial Windows Server feature.

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Bulitha Kawushika de Zoysa

Undergraduate | B.Sc. (Hons) in Computer Science University of Kelaniya | Cyber Security specialization