NFT Series Gallery — Goblin

2 min readNov 25, 2022


Goblin| The ugly globins that everyone wants to buy

The Goblin Town is a series of 9,999 unique NFTs titled ‘WTF’ NFTs. The newly launched NFTs had rare styles and characteristics that stand apart in terms of designs in the NFT world. Each artwork is designed with unique avatars and is also sprinkled with some ‘rare Goblin’ collectibles.

📌Collection information

Updated on November 25th

Items: 9999

Floor price: 0.7865 eth

Total Volume: 50239 eth

Owners: 4594

Why is it so popular?

The popularity of Goblin NFT shows the power of communities. Goblin Town succeeded in compelling people with its ability to make something from almost nothing, the collection did not have a roadmap nor Discord or utility. However, the storyline of Goblin Town is enough to get NFT maniacs hooked. Furthermore, another reason for the undying craze is its CCO (creative commons zero) which means ‘No Copyright Reserved’ in general terms. Under this, goblin NFTs are free to be repurposed as per the owner’s discretion such that they can commercialize the NFTs as they want.

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