Direct Hair Transplant Procedure, Types, Risk, Advantages, and Cost

Bulletin echo
6 min readAug 31, 2019


Direct hair transplant is a surgical technique that moves individual hair follicles from the back of the scalp called the donor site to a bald or balding part of the scalp known as the recipient site. It is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness.

Hair transplantation in Delhi is a hair restoration procedure performed on men and on women who have significant hair loss, thinning hair, or bald spots where hair no longer grows.

In men, hair loss and baldness are most commonly due to genetic factors and hormone DHT.

Male pattern baldness, In which the hairline gradually recedes and scalp visibility increases exposing bald areas.

Men may also experience a gradual thinning of hair at the crown, or very top of the skull. For women.

Hair loss is more commonly due to hormonal changes and is more likely to be a thinning of hair from the entire head.

Transplants can also be performed to replace hair loss due to burns, injury, or diseases of the scalp.

The DHI hair transplant process in Delhi does not require any incision which means that it does not cause a linear scar as in the case of a FUT hair transplant.

FUE can cause small round scars in the areas from which hair is extracted, especially if the extraction points are too close together.

However, with a Direct hair transplant process, the hair extractions are well-distributed and so there is no scaring.

Consistent Results

The DHI tool controls the depth, angle and direction of the implanted hair follicles.

We use another specialized tool, the DHI implanter, to control the depth, angle, and direction of an implant.

So your new hairs grow as your natural hairs. There are no stitches and no scars with a DHI Direct Hair Implantation, so you recover quickly.

Highest Graft Quality

A DHI Direct Hair Implantation is a very safe procedure with a low risk of complications and a very high rate of over 90% of hair survival.

Our DHI method is superior to other hair transplant methods currently available so let us show you how the DHI difference can help to restore your hair and your confidence, permanently.

Higher Costs

Direct hair transplant is the most expensive hair transplant method as a 3000-graft hair implant can cost high but this is a very effective and natural process for a fuller head.

DHI is considered to be the best hair transplant method but it is also the most expensive as a DHI hair transplant with 3000 grafts.

The of direct hair transplant costs are comparatively higher because of the technology that is employed during this process.

The DHI Procedure: What To Expect

There are more Direct hair transplant risks as compared to other hair transplant methods so FUR pre-care commences 14 days before the scheduled date of the procedure.

In the 2 weeks prior to your direct hair transplant procedure, you will need to quit smoking and drinking as these habits will decrease the effectiveness of the hair transplant surgery and increase the risk of Direct hair transplant side effects. These are the DHI steps that your hair transplant surgeon will follow:

The surgeon will trim or shave the donor site and then inject your scalp with long-acting, local anaesthesia.

General anaesthesia is not required but you may be given a sedative to help you relax since the procedure is quite time-consuming.

The hair transplant will then use a scalpel to excise an elliptically shaped strip of tissue from the back of your scalp.

The width and length of this strip will be determined by the laxity of your skin at the back of your scalp as well as the number of hair follicles you require. The excised strip has a maximum length of 30 cm and a maximum width of 1.5 cm.

The wound will then be sutured using a technique called Trichophytic Closure which makes DHI hair transplant scars less visible.

The strip is carefully dissected into follicular units by the hair transplant team each unit is a grouping of 2 to 4 hair follicles. Every single graft is carefully prepared for the transplantation.

The dermatologist in Delhi will make minuscule incisions in the area to be treated and these hair follicles are then inserted into the incisions. The surgeon can transplant over 3,000 hair grafts in a single session.

A semi-permeable dressing is used to cover and protect the donor area. Normally, DHI dressing is removed after 7 to 10 days.

Your dermatologist in Delhi may suggest a tumescent mixture of saline, xylocaine, epinephrine, and triamcinolone as studies show that this method can prevent oedema in up to 97.4% of cases.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Direct Hair Transplant:

DHI is ideal for people with advanced hair loss especially at their hairline as they require high graft numbers.

Men who have hair loss caused by male pattern baldness for 5 years or those who are classified as a Norwood Scale Class 3 or above will benefit from a DHI hair transplant.

DHI might also be the only option for men who have not reacted positively to medical treatments for hair loss.

DHI can also help people who have lost their hair due to trauma such as burns or lacerations.

However, people who are entirely bald would not be considered ideal candidates for DHI hair transplant surgery.

DHI is an effective hair restorative surgery but it is important to disclose your complete medical history to your surgeon.

People who are on certain blood thinners will not be able to opt for this type of hair transplant surgery as the risk of DHI side effects would be much higher for these individuals.

It is also important that you have realistic expectations from your DHI surgery.It is equally important to discuss all the possible side effects of hair transplant surgery and how you can reduce these risks.

Learn everything there is to know about balding treatments so that you can make an informed decision.

Advantages of transplant:

It is one of the hair restoration procedure that involves transplantation of your own hair taken out from the back of the scalp. It grows naturally and looks natural.

The colour of the hair is the same as your original hair. Hair growth normally starts after 2 to 3 months. It completes its recovery within 8 to 10 months.

Hair transplant technique has advanced significantly. There are different techniques for performing the transplant.

One method is a follicular unit transplant (FUT) in which strip of skin is taken out from the back of the scalp, then the follicular unit is divided and replantation is done in the designated area.

A linear scar is always seen on the back of the scalp. The good Doctor will always try to minimize the scar from the donor area.

Another advanced surgical technique is Follicular unit extraction (FUE). This is a meticulous method in which single hair is extracted and replanted in the designated area.

The results are permanent and excellent. Small tiny dots are seen on the back of the scalp in spite of linear scar which is seen in FUT.

Hair transplants are completely safe and natural. No special chemicals or medicines are used in this process that might damage your hair.

Amongst all the hair growing methods of hair, transplant surgery is the most natural. The results are so good that the majority of the people won’t be able to tell that you got a hair transplant.

Another benefit of hair transplant surgery is that you get hair that is very manageable. Transplanted hair works just like your naturally grown hair so you don’t need to apply any special shampoos or chemicals to maintain its density.

If you want a long-term and permanent solution for your baldness then consider hair transplant surgery.

The biggest benefit of transplant is a person gets back his confidence. There is no hassle in handling the transplanted hair.

The person can maintain it as per his wish. He can colour it oil it, wash it and can do hairstyle also.

Candidates often report life-transforming results; one’s appearance can look younger and individuals feel positive and open about new social experiences. Hair transplant candidates can resume their normal, active lives quickly.

Hair transplant in Delhi:

Hair transplant is a 100% reliable and safe treatment in Adorable Clinic. It needs utmost care, consciousness, preciseness and must be done by skilled Dermatologist.

We also provide hair weaving or wigs and hair extension treatment to get rid of thinning hair and baldness. We are here to serve you the best as we have 10 yrs of experience.

