5 Marvel Characters Stronger Than Hulk

Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2017

Originally posted on: https://www.bulletstory.com/5-marvel-characters-stronger-than-hulk/

If you think that the gamma-powered Avenger, Hulk is the strongest and the mightiest character from the Marvel universe, you are completely wrong. There are many more powerful characters in Marvel who far stronger than Hulk, and here are five of them:

1. Galactus

He is so strong that just with a casual swing of hands, he can send characters like Thor hurtling for miles.


2. Zeus

In The Incredible Hulk, we have seen the brutality with which Zeus destroyed Hulk, leaving him vomiting his own blood.


3. Odin

Odin has the strength to slice mountains just with his sword and is termed as the most powerful Skyfather by Marvel.


4. Thanos

Thanos can slap Hulk as if he was just a bug. In fact, he can knock down the entire team of Avengers.


5. The Silver Surfer

An enormously powerful character, The Silver Surfer can use Power Cosmic as energy and put Hulk to pieces.


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