The Best Tool to Make Money with AI in 2023

Bullish Bronco
2 min readAug 1, 2023


Photo by Midjourney

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer in the world of business and entrepreneurship. It’s not just a buzzword anymore; it’s a tool that’s helping individuals and businesses increase their income, improve efficiency, and work more productively. In this article, we’ll explore what we feel is the best tool to make money with AI in 2023.

The Best Tool: Jasper AI

One AI tool that stands out in 2023 is Jasper AI. This AI writing assistant has been instrumental in helping entrepreneurs double their income without working more hours.

How to Use Jasper AI

Jasper AI can help you generate ideas, create SEO-optimized titles, script outlines, hooks, and introductions. For instance, if you’re creating content for YouTube, Jasper can help you come up with video topics and scripts. Once you have an outline, you can use Jasper’s "Compose" feature to fill in the blanks for each section of your script.

Making Money with Jasper AI

Jasper AI can be used in various ways to generate income. Here are a few examples:

Freelance Work: If you enjoy writing, graphic design, or photo and video editing, Jasper can help you turn a profit using those skills more efficiently.

Entrepreneurship: Small-business owners can use Jasper to improve their business, analyze customer behavior, and gain competitive intelligence.

Tutoring: Teaching people how to get the most from generative AI tools like Jasper can also be a lucrative job.

YouTube Channels: Creating faceless YouTube channels in various niches can generate substantial monthly income from both YouTube Adsense and affiliate products.

In conclusion, the transformative power of AI is reshaping the way we work, create, and even earn. With tools like Jasper AI, the boundaries of what’s possible are continually expanding. It’s not just about working harder; it’s about working smarter. By harnessing the capabilities of AI, we can unlock unprecedented opportunities, create value in unique ways, and chart our own path in this exciting digital landscape. So, whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, a creative freelancer, or a curious beginner, the time to embrace AI is now. The future is here, and it’s powered by AI.



Bullish Bronco

AI enthusiast & tech savant sharing timely insights on stocks & trends on Medium.