Three Ways to Boost Your “Trust Score”

And what is a “trust score,” anyway?

3 min readMay 3, 2016
Photo Credit: Big Stock/Pressmaster

Trust has become central to the way we move through the world, writes Adriana Stan in Techcrunch this week. The sharing and social economy — Uber, Airbnb, Tinder — has asked people to place their trust in strangers on and offline, and people have reacted with enthusiasm.

Stan writes, “Reputation is now carried by a new system, which takes rather elusive notions of credibility, influence and status and turns them into measurable scores. It’s ‘digitizing’ relationships and social connections, extracting value and insights from our associations and both codifying and commodifying trust — signifying it and selling it.”

In our daily lives, we take this trust for granted many times. How often do you hesitate to jump into an Uber or send a money through Kickstarter to fund the latest startup? Entire industries are built on this new fountain of trust, and BULLIT wants you to get your own piece of the (trust) pie.

Because trust isn’t just for technology wonks in Silicon Valley. It’s time for you to start benefitting from the trust people put in you to do your job, and do it well, each and every day. Your BULLIT score reflects how credible you are as a professional, and by joining our community, you’re trusting other professionals in your network to give your reputation a boost.

We’ve discussed in the past the ways which trust has left the job market, with detrimental effect. The decline in trust among recruiters, companies, and job seekers has led to a reluctance by employers to hire someone they don’t know, and on the other hand, a hesitance by job seekers to work for a company that they know little about. As Stan points out, “In this new world, our ‘trust score’ will be the only metric that people need in order to make decisions on how to do business, and with whom.” Nothing could be more critical than having your network speak to your dependability.

You’re a trustworthy individual, and you deserve the credit for your integrity and accountability. So can you do to make sure your trust score on BULLIT is reflective of who you really are? What does it really mean to be trustworthy in the workplace? Here are some tips for how to make sure your BULLIT profile is actively building trust with your network and contacts.

  1. Ask for feedback from clients and other third party authorities. When someone leaves you a review on BULLIT, they have the option to submit how they generally interact with or know you. Did you go above and beyond for a client to deliver their expectations with integrity? These experiences add up to an overall profile of accountability and trust.
  2. Respond to feedback — both the good and bad. Showing that you can take criticism and positive reinforcement in stride is a big step forward to showing you are accountable — and accountability is a key component for having people trust you. It can be as simple as saying thank you when someone leaves you a nice BULLIT review or taking the time to respond thoughtfully to constructive criticism.
  3. Follow and boost the profiles of those who work hard. Especially if you’re at a big company or organization, it can be easy to get lost in the crowd. If you know of a coworker who stays late each day, works harder than the rest, and doesn’t seem to be getting the recognition they deserve from top management, make sure they get recognized for their work ethic by leaving a nice BULLIT review. They’ll trust that you value others’ work and in kind see you as a leader and great team member.

For millennials, trust can be one of the hardest things to establish — especially when you’re early in your career. And though trust might be absent in the labor economy, it’s present and booming in the technology and sharing economy. So make sure you’re getting the credit you deserve, and join BULLIT today.

