
Ryan Keene
7 min readJun 20, 2018


The blockchain technology have been utilized to provide Bulleon users with financial value. Ethereum blockchain has been the go-to platform when developing new tokens and coins. Bulleon is powered by Ethereum technology, which features smart contracts that are decentralized, self-executing and work as agreements coded in the blockchain. Ethereum blockchain exceeds the capabilities of Bitcoin blockchain to the point that most tokens of value are launched on the technology.

Consequently, the surface token has been greatly improved and is considered as one of the most exciting developments in the cryptocurrency market. Bulleon is considered as the digital asset that goes beyond the functions of cryptocurrencies to give users access to digital asset exchange, biometric hardware wallet coupled with login authentication, international debit card transactions, e-commerce service platform specialized for merchants, secure peer-to-peer lending platform as well as the much sort after cloud mining. All these are made possible by the ERC20 token standard.

The ERC20 standard for tokens ensures that the digital assets are much more interchangeable. Besides, Bulleon and other tokens issued on the ERC20 token standards are capable of working with Dapps while at the same time, adhering to the same standards for tokens. The Dapp can easily interface with other virtual currencies in the market even in instances where multiple tokens operate and behave in a similar way.

The cryptocurrency market has a countless number of digital assets and virtual currencies that are not compatible. Bulleon is built with the user interest in mind, and that is the reason it has achieved high levels of compatibility with other tokens and projects in the market. In addition to that, ERC20 token standardization allows Bulleon to be a natural fit in the cryptocurrency market. Moreover, Bulleon integrates voting rights in the platform which give you “the user” the voice in future matters concerning the project and the direction it should take. The integration of ERC20 standardization in the Bulleon project has eliminated the fear of bugs and errors completely.

Ethereum offers a standardized method for creating new tokens in its blockchain called the ERC-20 protocol. ERC-20 is not some line of code, software or technology. On the contrary, these are the guidelines that facilitate the integration of several currencies.

Before the ERC-20, each new cryptocurrency created its account balance verification system and initiated transfers. These methods included different functions and arguments that are not necessarily compatible with other systems. The ERC-20 streams have the same functions, with the same names, having the same arguments. They use a standard set of rules and guidelines that ensure that both monetary systems can relate to each other. Since the year 2015, developers have adopted mainly the ERC-20 standard, but then Ethereum has not imposed its use. In September 2017 Ethereum formalized the protocol, which means that all signs in the Ethereum blockchain must comply with the standard. Creating an ERC-20 compliant cryptocurrency in Ethereum implies that the new streams have immediate interoperability in the Ethereum blockchain.

The Bulleon is a hybrid token; the token is both a-share-like token and a cryptocurrency token. Bulleon is designed to be a precious possession in the growing cryptocurrency market. We give Bulleon owners control over their money without compromising on convenience. Therefore, a token that was not only a store of value as a cryptocurrency, but also a means to be part of the Bulleon team; sharing dividends, profit-shares and voting rights to the owners of Bulleon was imminent.

As a share-like token, Bulleon highly regards the owners of the token. The success does not belong to Bulleon developers only; it is shared among the investors by sharing profit and dividends, in addition to that, owners have voting rights inside the corporation. Voting rights give the owners the voice to shape Bulleon for the future.

On the other hand, as a cryptocurrency token, Bulleon is a store of value and a great medium of exchange. It is built on the ERC20 token standardization requirements that achieve total decentralization. Bulleon tokens are not issued nor are they regulated by any central authority. Bulleon joins other cryptocurrencies in the market as a functional currency capable of multi-platform value exchange.

The token is tradable on the exchanges, besides the Bulleon network gives the owner access to a number of exchanges where they can buy and sell other cryptocurrencies. Similarly, it is not regulated by any laws put in place to regulate fiat currency or by e-money laws.

It is essential to note that the supply of Bulleon tokens is capped and no one will ever create more tokens in future. The tokens cannot be moved to another address, or otherwise, manage Bulleon inside the ICO smart-contract. Furthermore, even the Bulleon Corporation has no mandate to manage the tokens in the smart-contract. These measures have been put in place to ensure that the only way to acquire the tokens is by purchasing them out of the contract. The investors’ peace of mind is paramount to the growth of Bulleon and the token decentralization process.

In line with its ICO promise, Bulleon, the all-in-one digital asset platform, is glad to unveil the Phase 10 of its project outline. This stage marks a deployment of at least public beta versions of all previous phases that have been released. It represents a major milestone for not just Bulleon, but the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem as the steady incline of Bulleon’s first of its kind ‘no time limit’ ICO continues to wow investors and industry watchers.

What this milestone means is that in less than a year, Bulleon has gone beyond the execution of the first five items on its roadmap, to kick starting ten of its project phases. These phases include:

Phase 1 — Preparing a transparent structure and commercial activity plan of the company

Phase 2 — iOS/Android/Windows/Mac/Web app development start

Phase 3 — Cloud mining platform and data-center construction start

Phase 4 — Bulleon International Debit Card

Phase 5 — Independent cryptocurrency trading platform

Phase 6 — Bulleon E-Commerce Payment Gateway for Merchants

Phase 7 — Peer-2-peer lending platform

Phase 8 — Biometric hardware wallet & login authentication

Phase 9 — Integration of services into a single active platform and

Phase 10- The official announcement of dividends payments

Setting Quarterly Dividends Payout Clock

It is pertinent to state that as a natural order of the project life of Bulleon, that integration of services and tools takes place from Phase 2 onwards. At this stage, commercial activity has already begun, and 40% of the operating profit is invested in the dividend fund. However, since the integration of services and tools commenced from Phase 2, it is only normal for it to be the benchmark for deciding the commencement of quarterly payments of dividends because that is when the Bulleon engine became operational in the marketplace.

Dividend Calculation Formula

At Phase 2, Bulleon can be said to have laid the groundwork for engaging in a robust cryptocurrency business, and from here the funds raised from the ICO are calculated

FORMULA: (ICO raised funds) — (the cost of executing the project) = DIVIDEND

ALLOCATION: 80% are allocated to BLN investors/shareholders/token-holders. 20% of the funds remain available to continue the operation of the company.

Bulleon Quarterly Payments Outlay

1. One-Time Dividend Payments

At the end of Phase 10, 80% of surplus funds (ETH) will be distributed to the top 25% in total ownership percentage of a total surplus of funds.

2. Quarterly Dividends

40% of operating profit will be paid quarterly to the top 25% in total ownership percentage in relation to total operating profit of the whole company.

NB: Payments of one-time dividends or quarterly dividends will be sent to those addresses whose BLN blockchain snapshot will prove token ownership.

Interests of the Shareholders

In line with our commitment to protecting shareholders’ interests Bulleon makes it a top priority to update them with information regarding any changes on projections as to how payments would be calculated and distributed. Some conditions and timing may change, but the overall process for going forward remains in place.

Transparency and External Auditing

Because we operate on the principles of best practices, we will not leave all the calculations of the operating costs and revenues to our in-house financial team alone. Bulleon’s entire operations will be audited by an A-list auditing firm and a report from the audit will be made public before any dividends are paid.

In the meantime, there will be some visibility into the performance of current business operations for token holders via the investor dashboard as Phase 2 unbundles successfully. Our priority is to give as much visibility into our operations as practicable.

website: https://bulleon.io

