Bulleon E-Comerence Payment

Ryan Keene
7 min readJun 14, 2018


As more businesses embrace the e-commerce model, the need for efficient payment gateways and shopping carts integration services in the transaction cycle has been increased. Bulleon payments gateway for merchants represents a one-stop solution in this direction.

This tool enables merchants to receive cryptocurrency/Bulleon (BLN) and facilitates it’s easy as well as aid merchant accounts in their interaction with other Bulleon services and tools (Bulleon Debit card, Exchange, Bulleon Mobile/iOS/Android/Web app).

Key Features of Our Service:

· Point-of-sale for merchants

· Integration with Bulleon Debit card

· Bulleon Exchange API (crypto to fiat and reverse conversion service)

· In-store Payments (Merchant can accept cryptocurrencies for e-commerce and physical stores)

· Easy integration on e-commerce platforms

· Accept cryptocurrencies in physical stores with Bulleon app (Instant FIAT/crypto convert possibility)

· Easy reporting tools

· Web Payment Buttons

· E-commerce integration with any external systems or tools

Existing E-Commerce Payment Models and Their Shortcomings

The existing traditional payment gateway model integrates into an e-commerce website’s shopping cart by collecting payment information provided by customers at the check-out. The gateway then encrypts the data and transmits it to the card issuing bank for authorization. The authorization response is then sent to the merchant and is displayed to the cardholder. In essence, the payment gateway serves for web-based merchants the same purpose that a point-of-sale (POS) terminal does for brick-and-mortar businesses. Apart from slow transaction speed, this model means cardholders share a lot of personal information in the process and ultimately get to pay, sometimes double, processing charges.

The Bulleon Advantage

Unlike the traditional payment gateway model above, Bulleon e-commerce payment gateway brings on board Blockchain smart contracts crypto technology to speed up the process more securely and privately, eliminating the issue of double transaction charges while doing so. With the Bulleon merchant account service, merchants can accept cryptocurrency in place of fiat through a seamless connection of the merchant’s physical and/or virtual check-out tools with Bulleon’s crypto-fiat exchange interface.

How it works

(a.) For Non-Crypto Cardholders

1. The cardholder fills out an online payment information form to pay for a purchase at an e-commerce website’s check-out.

2. The Bulleon gateway interfaces between cardholder’s bank and converts cardholder’s input into cryptocurrency through Bulleon Exchange API.

3. The Bulleon gateway then connects the merchant’s physical and/or virtual check-out tools with Bulleon’s Exchange API to process payment.

4. The merchant can decide to convert sales back to fiat via the Bulleon Exchange API or retain payment in cryptocurrency

(b.) For Bulleon Debit Card Holders

For Bulleon Cardholders the process is even simpler.

1. The cardholder pays for anything on merchant check-out with their card by inputting the value of their purchase on the Bulleon gateway web, app or physical point of sales button. Instant validation takes place and transaction is done. No bank, card issuer or processor downtime or charges!

2. The merchant can decide to convert sales back to fiat via the Bulleon Exchange API or retain payment in cryptocurrency

(c.) For Other Cryptocurrency Card Holders

1. The cardholder pays for anything on merchant check-out with their card by inputting the value of their purchase on the Bulleon gateway web, app or physical point of sales button. Bulleon Exchange API then converts the cryptocurrency to Bulleon and adds the full payment to merchant’s Bulleon account settlement.

2. The merchant can decide to convert sales back to fiat via the Bulleon Exchange API or retain payment in cryptocurrency

Integration with Any External Systems or Tools

Using our Bulleon Exchange API, JavaScript API & webhooks, merchants can supercharge their e-commerce platform integration: connect with inventory management systems, drop-shipping solutions, email marketing platforms, POS solutions, CRMs, and use Bulleon encrypted data bank with their favorite tools to create an efficient omnichannel shopping experience!

Our feature-rich gateway processes online card payments as well as popular alternative payment methods from any device (mobile/laptop/in-app) in a secure, fast and consistent manner. The gateway is highly reliable and is designed to provide high availability, even in times of peak transaction volumes. A single integration enables access to a variety of innovative solutions and connects each merchant to a large number of acquirers via our vast global network.

Bulleon’s initial marketing strategy is being guided by the current market analysis which will be refreshed quarterly through scheduled in-house and external market research as new competitors and new functionalities are connected to the blockchain. The market research, in combination with SWOT analysis conducted on no less than a quarterly basis, will identify opportunities for refining marketing and promotion as clarity on the blockchain revolution emerges.

  • Promotion — initial marketing of Bulleon will focus on Bulleon’s ability to build upon the Ethereum blockchain’s value proposition with respect to security, privacy, wealth building, incorruptibility, and non-discriminatory and nonjurisdictional accessibility and will focus on establishing Bulleon as the all-in-one platform to manage, trade, lend, mine, and authenticate cryptocurrency.
  • Competitive analysis — Bulleon will conduct simple research and analysis of other digital currencies along with other blockchain technology. Bulleon will not limit its potential to the cryptocurrency space but will innovate and organically position itself where there is demand in terms of other products and services on the blockchain.
  • Audience — Bulleon will run concurrent marketing campaigns to both prospective token holders and to other potential partners in the blockchain innovation space. • Marketing mix — in response to its ongoing market analysis, the marketing mix will be a rotating blend of social media, paid media (online ads), earned media (publicity gained through industry-leading expertise, i.e. guest blogging, conference appearances, article contribution), and word of mouth. The Bounty Program described in section will incent and reward translators, bloggers, and commentators for their promotional efforts. The majority of proceeds will be committed to marketing efforts — an aggressive approach that will be fueled by the Force Gathering Whirl of Bulleon.
Bulleon — Revolutionizing the way of financial transactions

A decentralized workforce for a decentralized digital asset service

Bulleon is backed by an ever-growing team of highly experienced professionals and recruitment will accelerate as we continue to reach our quarterly targets. We believe millions of people need this kind of service, on top of that the “digital asset” audience is growing by one hundred thousand new users every day.

While the principals of Bulleon live in Helsinki, Finland, contract specialists are working around the world and the company and communication tools will be structured to support cross-border employee/contractor collaboration in keeping with the decentralization ethos that drives Bulleon. It is expected that each phase of the project will be led by a project team (branch) that, thanks to collaboration technology, can operate on a decentralized basis.

Executive Summary

The future of the world will be intertwined in the blockchain technology. People will soon be demanding solutions to major world problems using the blockchain and related applications. Fixing the current international currency system is the logical first start. Bulleon is in the business of helping to consolidate the blockchain’s currency potential into a full economic system. Investment into this technology — as easy as the purchase of tokens — will guarantee results exponentially beyond what the current economic system can deliver.

Bulleon is not just another digital asset service; its purpose is to provide end users with everyday digital asset-related services from a single place, operating on a massive operation of high-skilled labor input. As a currency, Bulleon is a shareholder’s certificate with voting rights and the right to receive dividends through Bulleon’s operating income. The concept of Bulleon is a safe, user-friendly, clear and attractive digital asset service that will allow users to navigate the crypto world seamlessly. Through its model, Bulleon will be able to harness the knowledge from its success in its primary usage to scale and adapt to the growing uses of the Blockchain for the betterment of its users.

Business strategy

Current position

Bulleon is in the first stage of its 12-phase trajectory: Preparing a transparent structure and commercial activity. The present focus is on expanding the expertise by recruiting skilled experts and employees and completing the marketing and planning steps outlined in this section.

Competitive advantage

Bulleon is distinguished in the marketplace by its operation as a fully integrated system on which a cryptocurrency is offered via universal access that can be managed, traded, stored, and exchanged, and can support transactional activity like redemption for fiat money through an international debit card, and hassle-free peer-to-peer lending in fiat currency. Bulleon transactions are protected through state-of-the art biometrics.

Growth plan

Since Bulleon operates on a model of openness and access to all, future movements of Bulleon will be democratically decided as all token holders will have an equal opportunity to vote on initiatives and expansion. Development and execution of this concept will require significant human resources in the form of financial planning and management professionals including specialists in financial statements, internal accounting, management accounting, payment transactions, payroll accounting, budgeting, profitability, taxation, legislation, finance and project management. Recruitment for the position of CFO will precede this recruitment initiative.

Benchmarking the revolutionary

Bulleon will implement a state-of-the-art benchmarking discipline to measure its progress toward its overall marketing objectives in the areas of ease of use, availability, speed, security and user support against identified competitors. Regular reviews of these objectives will provide feedback and possible corrective actions on a timely basis. Benchmarking results will be transparent and openly shared with employees and subscribers through a digital dashboard application.

More info- https://bulleon.io/

