Bulls Vs Bears: September Update

The Bull
1 min readSep 25, 2019


First of all, I want to say thank you to each member of our community, to everybody who is participating in our telegram group, to everybody who is participating in our TRX & Early Access Giveaway.

This is a quick update about important milestones for us.


We started closed testing of our platform and smart contracts. We are on track to launch the game in the middle of October. Everybody who subscribed for our giveaway will receive an e-mail with 5 days early access to start mine our dividend tokens first.

We solved all the major problems we had during the development, and fixing bugs and completing the integration.

Giveaway update

Thanks to everybody who is sharing our giveaway links with friends, it means a world for our team!

So far we have almost 300 subscribers, while we have 100 prizes, so your chances are pretty damn high!

We plan to release winners at the same time we will send out early access invitations. About the 10th of October.


We got some interesting media coverage about our project recently, you can find it here:


Join the discussion here:


