BLVD U L T R A Status Update

3 min readOct 21, 2019


We know the community has been extremely excited about the coming on-chain subscription for the BULVRD ecosystem so we felt the need to put a status update together!

To go back a bit, our original spec for ULTRA was to use the ERC-1337 subscription spec but over time we found this wasn’t going to fit the needs and end vision for ULTRA. So we began to come up with a different smart contract implementation more tailored towards our goals.

We have decided to use the ERC-721 token smart contract standard (same as used with our Map styles and collectibles) but with some customizations towards our desired BLVD tokens subscription model.

How It Works

  • When an ULTRA token is minted, it starts the subscription based on the current mined block of the Ethereum blockchain and ends based on the set duration.
  • The Ethereum blockchain mines roughly 6,000 blocks per day, or roughly 180,000 per monthly.
  • When a new ULTRA subscription is minted / started, it includes 192,000 blocks of active subscription
  • Each ERC-721 token includes a metadata field, which is what’s used to help display WHAT the token is / or unlocks. ULTRA uses a custom implementation here, enabling each tokens metadata to dynamically change based on the subscription status.
  • You can ‘top off’ by sending BLVD earnings to your subscription to extend it. Currently you will get 156 blocks of subscription service for EACH BLVD sent in. So for example, roughly 39 BLVD would give you a 1 day worth of subscription. This gives greater flexibility to extending or updating your subscription as you feel the need to.
  • An ULTRA subscription token unlocks in-app functionality based on the wallet that owns it. So if you use multiple devices with the same wallet address in-app, you’ll only need one subscription.
  • Using this spec, an ULTRA subscription can also be transferred / traded / sold using marketplaces like OpenSea.
  • Your wallet app / UI will also support ULTRA right out of the box.
  • At launch we will more than likely lean on our online ‘hub’ to help provide a single place to see and manage your ULTRA subscription. We will provide in-app tools to help understand time until subscription expiration, adding BLVD to extend, etc.
  • You can find the current developed contract on our Github

What does ULTRA unlock?

We are continuing to refine and test the ULTRA token subscription smart contract, along with integrations to make it as easy as possible for anyone in the community to get ULTRA.

As a little something to help make up for the wait, we are going to make each new ULTRA subscription at launch a 384,000 blocks (~2 months) subscription to start!

We hope to finalize our testing and integrations this week and provide more specific details in another ~7 days or so (don’t hold us to it!)

As always….

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