BULVRD 2019 Survey Results

3 min readDec 4, 2019


To cap off 2019, we sent out a quick survey to gather feedback directly from the community. Read further to see results!

We were extremely excited to see such great feedback from the community. Even though this was sent out over a holiday weekend, the amount of responses received was above and beyond our expectations! Though we did note some responses to be ‘spam’ (sent in rapid succession, lack of text answers, empty wallets), so the results shown are the ‘cleaned’ responses.

Internally we consider 8 or higher as a satisfactory rating. While almost 65% of the ratings fall into this category, this shows some room for improvement.

This was a recommended question to ask by a friend of BULVRD, relating to notes of product / market fit found in this article https://firstround.com/review/how-superhuman-built-an-engine-to-find-product-market-fit/

According to guidance, if over 40% respond Very Disappointed then you are moving in the right direction. Driving deeper into this, we find those using our Android offering to show the highest disappoint if they could no longer use the offering.

Open Ended Questions Word Clouds

When asked what you would change

While a good number of responses included Nothing which does help us feel good to know that a sizable part of the community believes we are on the right track, there are some other noted trends.

There were general notes to continue to improve navigation, map accuracy, etc. Though some we thought were interesting was to create more giveaway opportunities (hint: read til the end) , making token transactions and use easier, expand background capabilities, and make reporting functions easier.

When asked what you would like to see the BULVRD team focus on in 2020

The #1 word trend here was iOS, and the BULVRD Drive iOS app. We of course are well aware that getting the iOS app to parity with our Android app and fully launched is a leading desire from the community. The BULVRD team is always at work on this and we hope the community knows this is a high priority for us!

Some other general trends found here include voice controls in-app, more social functions in-app, increased wallet functions in-app, and continuing to refine and tackle bugs.

When asked what new features or functionality you’d like to see

Trends for new features and functionality include background running capabilities for normal driving (non-navigation), expanded token uses directly in-app, expanded navigation settings (coming soon™), expanded direct device functionality such as Android widgets, Siri shortcuts, etc.

One trend that matches a topic tossed around internally often is some sort of scavenger hunt style system or gamification. While we cannot announce anything just yet in that regard, we are working with a few partners and other blockchain projects to come up with a unique feature in this regard.

We’d like to again thank everyone from the community who provided feedback to help us moving forward! Those that responded in time will be receiving a few gifts from the BULVRD team over the next few days!

Though if you have not already provided feedback and would like to do so, please fill out this quick survey:

