BULVRD Drive — Get started with OBD2 connectivity

2 min readAug 12, 2019


Within the BULVRD Drive Android app you can now connect directly to your vehicle via OBD2 as we announced in a recent blog post.

We’ve had some question from users on how to get started, so we have put together a quick guide to getting started with OBD2 within BULVRD Drive.

  • To start, you will need to have the latest BULVRD Drive Android app installed on your device.
  • You will also need to have a Bluetooth OBD2 adapter. There are multiple ways to get one, though to provide a couple quick links of adapters we’ve used.



  • Once you have the app and OBD2 adapter, make sure bluetooth is also turned on
  • Plug your OBD2 adapter into the port of your vehicle. This will be different for every vehicle so be sure to consult your owners manual to find it. It should look something like the image below.
  • Some vehicles will require the vehicle to be running to send power to the OBD2 port, so start your vehicle up.
  • Next open the Bluetooth settings on your device and look for ‘Available Devices’. Many devices will show different names, look for OBD or OBD2 and tap connect.
  • Once connected, open the BULVRD Drive Android app and go to your Profile and then the settings tab. Tap the checkbox to enabled OBD2 scanning.
  • Relaunch the app and you should be good to go! BULVRD Drive will start leveraging OBD2 data streams to improve location and navigation within the app, as well as provide alerts and warnings for detected vehicle issues!
  • As outlined in our whitepaper, you will now earn extra BLVD tokens for every mile you drive with OBD2 connected!

