Get setup to use your BLVD token earnings + Get started with BLVD Collectible Map Styles

6 min readAug 19, 2019


*UPDATE* : We now recommend using Trust Wallet as both BULVRD Drive apps now provide direct integrations with Trust Wallet.

Using BULVRD Drive you earn our BLVD ERC-20 tokens as you contribute to the ecosystem. You can find the full breakdown within our whitepaper.

Our initial BLVD token minting function means all we need from the end user is the public address to their Ethereum wallet. BULVRD covers the gas fees required to mint and send earnings to the user. This make the initial interactions with BLVD simple and seamless at first, but does make things bit difficult to start to leverage the utility of the BLVD token. We plan to help make this process easier within BULVRD Drive over time, but in the mean time we have created this outline to help users from both our Android and iOS apps get setup for their Ethereum Web3 journey!

To get started, open BULVRD Drive and get to your profile page. They look something like this:

Once in your profile tap the ‘Export Wallet’ button which will then copy your seed phrase to your clipboard. A seed phrase is a 12–24 word phrase that what enables your control of your wallet. Be sure to keep this safe as if anyone else has it, they can access all your assets!

With this phrase copied to your clipboard, you’ll need to install a new wallet app for managing all your assets. Based on how many words your phrase is, will depend on which wallet you can use.

We personally recommend using Trust Wallet:

Trust Wallet not only enables you to have multiple Ethereum wallets setup in-app, but will also support direct integrations within BULVRD Drive in future releases.

Though there are other options available, such as:

Once you’ve installed one of the apps above, the introduction flow will look a bit different in each but generally speaking you will be presented with a ‘Create Wallet’ or ‘Import Wallet’ option. Select ‘Import Wallet’ and you should soon be presented with the ability to enter your 12–24 word seed phrase.

Once you’ve setup your wallet in another app, if you have made a token request or sent your acquired tokens to your wallet in BULVRD Drive, you should now see your tokens in your wallet!

Be sure to double check that your public wallet address matches in both BULVRD Drive and the Ethereum wallet app you installed and setup. If your wallet address do not match, use the ‘Private Key’ option when exporting your wallet. This will help make sure the correct wallet address is used in both apps.

You’re now setup to directly connect across the Ethereum Web3 ecosystem! Though you may need to complete one last step to get started.

Every time you want to make a transaction on the Ethereum Blockchain you have to pay gas. This is essentially transactions fees that help support the network. Gas prices fluctuate based on network demand and how many ‘miners’ are securing the blockchain at any given time. You can view real time fees at or view the real time blockchain stats at . The more you’re willing to pay, the faster your transaction will be completed! Though in most cases your total gas cost for a transaction will be in the 0.000045 ETH range (or $0.01).

This means if you do not currently have any Ethereum (ETH) in your wallet, you will need to get some. If you’re buying purely to cover your transaction cost of BLVD tokens and/or collectibles, buying ~$10–15 should cover you for awhile! When buying Ethereum in the United States you have a few options:

Coinbase is currently the most consumer friendly option available. With a simple on-boarding and purchase flow. If you use the Coinbase Wallet app, you can also directly connect it to your Coinbase account to safely and securely send assets back and forth.

Once you have some Ethereum in your wallet, we are going to show you how to use your BLVD tokens to acquire a limited edition digital collectible on OpenSea!

In your given wallet app, you should see a ‘dApp’ section. This is a special web browser that helps connect your wallet with supported websites. In this case we will be connecting with and the BLVD assets.

You’ll see a web url entry at the top, enter and hit enter.

Then select a collectible you wish to purchase.

Tap ‘Buy Now’ and you will be provided with a confirmation that should look something like this:

Once you tap ‘Confirm’ your purchase transaction will start. This can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on how much the network is being used. So be patient! Once the transaction is completed you should find your new collectible now in your wallet!

Now go back into BULVRD Drive. In Android tap the ‘Collectible Map Styles’ item in the navigation drawer. On iOS go to your profile and tap ‘Map Styles’ button.

You’ll find 2 tabs, each with a list of map styles. Tap S-1 or Season 1 exclusives tab. Find your new map styles in the list, then tap it to select it as your new map style! Once you relaunch the app your new map style will be used across BULVRD Drive!

This may have been a daunting task, but this setup was a one time process. Going forward utilizing your BLVD tokens and BLVD collectibles will be a few clicks away!

Feel free to join us directly on our Discord channel if you need further help or guidance. We will do what we can to help with your process!

