Bundle has been acquired by ReSnap

6 min readMay 10, 2017

Today, we’re excited to announce that Bundle has been acquired by ReSnap.

We launched Bundle two years ago with the ambition to make sharing your photos and turning them into photo books simple, fast and fun. Since then, tens of thousands of people have used Bundle to bring their best memories together.

ReSnap shares this ambition and has created amazing technology to help you create beautiful personal photo books. They have developed image selection technology that helps you select your best photos in a snap. And once they are selected, their automatic book creator turns them into a beautifully designed photo book in a minute.

By joining ReSnap, this technology will be implemented in the existing Bundle iOS and Android app to make it even easier to create photo books from your smartphone, as well as on every other device.

We’ve been humbled to see so many people all around the world creating photo books through our apps and putting their trust in us for helping them preserve their most loving memories. Thanks to all of you for helping Bundle become what it is today!

What happens next

In the next few weeks we will work on integrating ReSnap’s technology in the existing Bundle iOS and Android app. When that is finished we will launch the updated apps under the ReSnap brand.

What will change? In short: the basics will remain the same but the way you create photo books will become even more awesome than it is today! We’ve listed a couple of the highlights below.

Get help selecting the best photos

ReSnap has created a groundbreaking technology called “subjective selection technology for photos”. What it does? Some pretty cool things :).

Most importantly, it intelligently generates a selection out of a set of photos from a specific period, say all your summer holiday pictures. This selection is made by analyzing all photos step by step. It takes into account the amount of faces, micro expressions of the faces, blurriness and much more. And it will then filter out less quality photos and similar ones.

So basically, it tries to predict the selection of images you would make so 80% of the work is already done. Sounds handy right?

If you’re into this kind of stuff, you can read more about the technology on ReSnap’s website.

Automatic lay-outs

One of the key things in our photo books is its simplicity. You can only use one photo per page. Although this keeps it simple, in some situations it’s too simple. Sometimes you just want to use a couple of photos on one page.

ReSnap has build technology that makes it possible to create lay-outs with several photos per page but without compromising on our key value of simplicity. Based on the images you selected for your book the app will automatically generate a perfect lay-out and place the photos into your photo book in a minute.

You can make a couple of small edits from the app, but if you want more…Well, we’ve got you covered in the next brand new thing ;).

Start on your phone, finish on your desktop

With the coming update you can edit your photo book on every device. You can create a book in the app and finish it in the online editor, or just order it directly through the app.

If you login to the online editor, you will find the book you just created on your smartphone instantly available for more extensive editing to make it even more personal!

New book types

Last but not least, we will be adding new book types to our offering. Next to the existing landscape A4 and A5 books, we’ll be adding a portrait and square variant in both sizes. And all of them available in both soft- and hardcover.

What this means for you

We understand you may have some questions on what the implications of this acquisition might be for you as a Bundle user. We’ll try to answer the most important questions we can think of below.

Will the app be completely changed?

No, the iOS and Android app will be rebranded to match the look & feel of ReSnap, but the core functionality of the app will be the same or even better.

Can I still bundle photos with my friends & family?

Of course :). This is a very import feature of the app, so you can still create shared albums with friends & family. Only some functionalities that are hardly used will be removed to make the app even easier to use.

Are my photos safe?

Yes, all the photos that you have uploaded to Bundle are safely stored in the cloud. ReSnap takes privacy & security as serious as we do so you can rest assured that this is taken care off.

Can I still order photo books?

Yes, pending the transfer to the new app you can keep using Bundle as you always did and order books like before. We will make sure these orders are processed as you are used to.

Will prices and delivery times of photo books change?

In the Netherlands photo books will be delivered in 3–4 days. In the rest of the world, ReSnap aims to have most items delivered to your door within a week of placing an order. ReSnap offers competitive pricing which is somewhat higher than Bundle, but this is more than justified by the amount of time they save you when making a photo book combined with the extended editing options and new book types.

Will the app remain free?

Yes, the core functionality of the app is and will remain free.

Did you get rich selling Bundle?

Other questions?

Depending on the feedback and questions we receive during the day we will update this FAQ if needed. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact support@resnap.com.

Want to try the new app?

If you are interested in trying out the new app before it’s released, feel free to contact us at hello@bundleapp.co. We have a limited number of beta invites left. This does require an existing Bundle account.

Don’t have a Bundle account yet? Download the current Bundle app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store and turn on automatic updates. Sit tight for a couple of weeks and watch your inbox and home screen of your phone for the updated app. It’s free to download!

A big —and personal — thank you!

I’m super proud of what our team has accomplished over the last three years! Speaking for myself, next to becoming a parent and raising children, building a startup is by far one of the most challenging things I have done in my life.

I wouldn’t have been able to do this without the dedicated group of angel investors that believed in us enough to invest their time and money, the perseverance of my amazing co-founders Pieter and Rene, and the love and support of my family and friends, of which I would like to mention two in particular.

My dad, whom passed away last December. You told me to work hard, focus and never give up. You sometimes had your doubts about my entrepreneurial endeavours but always stood by my side and supported me. Even if you didn’t agree with my decisions. I love you and know you were so proud of what we achieved.

And Tessa, my beloved wife, biggest Bundle enthusiast and guinea pig for all our new features. You stood by my side and endured my endless startup talks during the highs and the inevitable lows. Although it sometimes drove you crazy that I was doing customer support during our holidays :). I love you and will be there to support you as you are now embarking on your own entrepreneurial journey!

Last but not least, again, thanks to all Bundle users around the world for putting your trust in us! It has been an amazing ride!

As always, have a great day!

Co-founder and CEO
+31 624 670 680




We make sharing your photos and turning them into photo books simple, fast and fun.