Trezor mini hardware wallet is an advanced model of the most reliable cryptocurrency storage device

BURATINO Blockchain Solutions
3 min readMay 7, 2019

Working with cryptocurrency starts with creating a wallet for it. There are a lot of type of wallets to choose from — it is online wallets, wallets for computers and mobile phone, as well as devices with multiple protection stages. At one time, the online wallet Coinbase was popular because of its ease of use. As it turned out, his protection leaves much to be desired, recently we encountered frequent cases of theft of funds from it. Then rose the popularity of offline wallets, so called hardware wallets. The most famous of them is the Trezor-wallet, developed by SatoshiLabs — a start-up from the Czech Republic.

In design, Trezor looks like a flash card, which stores the savings and access keys. In addition, it can perform a large set of functions that are available in the online wallet. For example, you can pay for a product or service with Trezor. Hardware wallet that does not stores cryptocurrency in the network provides better protection of funds from theft. At the same time all operations with it is easy: all you need for the transaction is to connect the device to the computer.

The first step of Trezor protection is PIN. When you first connect your wallet to your computer, you will need to enter it twice, then change to the correct one that will appear on the wallet. This provides protection against infected computers. In addition, the first time you install the wallet it issues 12 or more code words. They will be needed to restore access to the device if you lose it somewhere.

For any transaction with wallet, you need to connect to the computer and visit the web-site The website does not prompt for any passwords and codes. Even if the attackers break into the server, access to the account without the physical presence of the wallet is impossible.

The main protection of the device is a key phrase. It needs to be learned by heart, not written down, as well as a few more false phrases. They will be required in case of a real attack on you.

A key feature of Trezor is that unlike online wallets, all protection stages are created without Internet access. This eliminates any possibility of theft of funds. Data is stored on the device and never leaves its case.

In 2018, the company Buratino Blockchain Solutions improved Trezor-wallet, and created Trezor mini wallet based on open source code. Its dimensions are even smaller, and at its creation, manufacturers have used specialized products to help prevent hacking. In addition, the device is protected from any external impact — water, dust, shock. Its cost is lower than competitors are.

TREZOR mini supports ERC-20 tokens and more than twenty cryptocurrencies. It has two-factor authentication and a password manager. The device is easy to handle; you just need to follow the instructions on the touch screen. Using a secret key, the wallet can always be restored.

