How to make Withdraw BurnCoin ICO?

2 min readOct 26, 2018


Step 1: Go to Wallet Address section

  1. Wallet section
  2. BRN coin withdraw form
  3. BRN token withdraw form
  4. BRN token bonus withdraw form

Step 2: How to withdraw BRN coin?

  1. BRN coin balance: Number of BRN coin, you can withdraw
  2. Input BRN coin to withdraw
  3. Input BRN wallet, You can create wallet:

4. Withdraw Button. Click to submit withdraw request

Step 3: How to withdraw BRN token

  1. BRN token balance: Number of BRN token, you can withdraw
  2. Input BRN token to withdraw. Min is 200 BRN token
  3. Input BRN wallet. It is ERC20 wallet
  4. Withdraw Button. Click to submit withdraw request

Step 4: How to withdraw BRN token Bonus

  1. BRN token bonus balance: Number of BRN token Bonus, you can withdraw
  2. Input BRN token to withdraw. Min is 200 BRN token
  3. Input BRN wallet. It is ERC20 wallet
  4. Withdraw Button. Click to submit withdraw request




BURNCOIN is a cryptographic currency that is provided separately from the monetary system and the digital contents trading system, and is a password currency th