What is SnapKit and How to use it? (with Brief Descriptions)

4 min readMay 31, 2023


What is SnapKit ?

SnapKit is a third-party library in Swift that simplifies the process of Auto Layout in iOS app development. It provides a streamlined and intuitive approach to creating and managing layout constraints, making it easier for developers to design adaptive and responsive user interfaces. With its concise and expressive syntax, SnapKit enhances code readability and productivity, allowing developers to create robust and maintainable layouts effortlessly.

How to use it ?

Step 1: Integrating SnapKit into Your Project

SnapKit can be easily integrated using popular dependency managers like CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager. Once installed, import SnapKit into your Swift files using the following import statement:

import SnapKit

Step 2: The Power of SnapKit’s Fluent and Expressive Syntax

SnapKit employs a domain-specific language (DSL) that provides a fluent and expressive syntax for creating Auto Layout constraints. This syntax significantly simplifies the code and enhances readability. Let’s explore the key features of SnapKit’s syntax.

2.1 Defining Constraints with SnapKit
Instead of relying on lengthy `NSLayoutConstraint` initializations, SnapKit allows developers to define constraints using clear and concise code. The fluent syntax allows us to chain methods to specify relationships, constants, and attributes for our constraints. Let’s take a look at an example:

let view = UIView()
view.snp.makeConstraints { make in

In the above code snippet, we create a view and use SnapKit’s `snp` property to define its constraints. By chaining methods like `equalTo`, `offset`, and `inset`, we can easily express the desired layout relationships. This approach reduces code clutter, improves readability, and makes it easier to understand the constraints at a glance.

2.2 Anchoring Views Made Easy
SnapKit provides convenient methods to anchor views to their superview or other views, simplifying the process of defining constraints. Anchoring views with SnapKit is intuitive and concise. Consider the following example:

let childView = UIView()

childView.snp.makeConstraints { make in
make.edges.equalToSuperview().inset(UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: 8, bottom: 8, right: 8))

In this code snippet, we create a childView and add it as a subview of the parentView. By using SnapKit’s `edges` method, we anchor the childView to its superview, applying an inset of 8 points on all sides. This approach eliminates the need for multiple constraint definitions, reducing code duplication, and enhancing readability.

2.3 Simplified Aspect Ratio Management
SnapKit simplifies managing aspect ratios for views, which is incredibly useful in scenarios like maintaining image aspect ratios or creating resizable UI components. Consider the following example:

let imageView = UIImageView()
imageView.image = UIImage(named: "example_image")

imageView.snp.makeConstraints { make in

In this code snippet, we create an imageView and set its image to “example_image”. Using SnapKit’s `multipliedBy` method, we define a constraint where the width of the imageView is 1.5 times its height, effortlessly achieving a specific aspect ratio.

Step 3: Advanced Features and Flex

SnapKit offers additional advanced features and flexibility that further simplify Auto Layout development in Swift.

3.1 Prioritizing Constraints
SnapKit allows you to set priorities for constraints, enabling you to define how conflicts should be resolved when multiple constraints cannot be satisfied simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with dynamic layouts or handling different screen sizes. Here’s an example:

view.snp.makeConstraints { make in

In this code snippet, we assign different priorities to the constraints, specifying which constraints should take precedence when conflicts arise.

3.2 Creating Constraints within a Closure
SnapKit allows you to define constraints within a closure, providing a clean and organized way to group related constraints together. This approach is particularly beneficial when dealing with complex view hierarchies or multiple constraints for a single view. Here’s an example:

view.snp.makeConstraints { make in
// Constraints for view's position and size

// Additional constraints for view customization

By encapsulating related constraints within a closure, the code becomes more organized and easier to manage.

3.3 Automatic Constraint Inference
SnapKit’s automatic constraint inference eliminates the need to explicitly define common constraints by intelligently inferring them based on the views and their relationships. This feature simplifies the layout process, especially for straightforward scenarios. Consider the following example:

view1.snp.makeConstraints { make in
view2.snp.makeConstraints { make in

In this code snippet, SnapKit automatically infers the trailing and bottom constraints for view1 and the trailing constraint for view2, making the code more concise and reducing the need for explicit constraint definitions.

SnapKit is a powerful third-party library that simplifies Auto Layout in Swift, significantly enhancing iOS development productivity. With its fluent and expressive syntax, SnapKit allows developers to create clear and concise code for defining constraints, anchoring views, managing aspect ratios, and more. By leveraging SnapKit’s advanced features and flexibility, developers can streamline Auto Layout code, resulting in more maintainable and efficient UI development.

