Hernando de BanditoWith no disrespect to Latin, Hispanic, or Mexican readers, it might be worthwhile for our new president, when dealing with Mexico, to…Jan 212Jan 212
Review of Daniel J. Siegel and the PDP group (2024), Personality and Wholeness in TherapyThis book presents a theory of personality development, focused on applications in therapy. The book links modern neuroscience with the…Jan 151Jan 151
No, science begins with an assumption of order and the assumption that we can understand it.The world doesn't require a humanly conjectured ordering principle to function, but its functioning displays its own ordering principles. A…Dec 30, 20241Dec 30, 20241
SantaDriving through any Latin country, or in areas of the US such as California there are many towns named after saints: Santa Barbara, San…Dec 22, 20241Dec 22, 20241
The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the TruthWhen swearing an oath in court we promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It we take that as meaning what we…Dec 18, 20243Dec 18, 20243
The Case of the Missing ConstableSomething was going on at Scotland Yard. It was very mysterious. Watson could not, for the life of him, understand what it was. One entire…Dec 16, 2024Dec 16, 2024
https://medium.com/@burt_63231/cantors-paradise-shows-religion-is-a-phantom-city-1e81dbfc47d9Dec 12, 2024Dec 12, 2024
All the Taste, None of the NutritionA follow-up to my Dec. 19, 2023 story SugarDec 7, 20242Dec 7, 20242
The Forever WarDid you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a leading role in a cage? — Pink FloydDec 6, 20241Dec 6, 20241
Can the Telos, the Ultimate Goal of Stoicism, Be Conceived in Modern Terms?1. The Ideal of the SageNov 28, 2024Nov 28, 2024