Just B
2 min readApr 6, 2017

Let me love you

It had been dark for too long

All her thoughts, actions came from bleakness.

Darkness inspired her, she was addicted to the darkness, the sadness, walls closing in,

Darkness made her creative, just like self-flagellation in her futile attempt to atone for unknown sins, vileness, depravity.

She did not get it.

Abuse, when you have been in it for too long, normal becomes relative.

“He did not hit me today”

“He spoke to me today”

“He touched me today”

“He looked my way and smiled”

“That was a compliment, I think”

She spent her days looking for glimpses of humanity “normal” human interactions and clung to them like a baby monkey clings to its mother, because just for today, just for a moment it was okay.

The whole world is looking in,

“Why doesn’t she leave?” They ask in utter disbelief, doesn’t she know she is loved, that she doesn’t have to be in it?

But there is a secret that the world does not know, she does not know that she is loved, that she can be loved. She does not know how amazing she is, because it has been a so long since she heard that.

“Let me love you”

These four words saved her life. And just like that she had an epiphany. She is lovable and she deserves to be loved.

It did not take long to realize she does not need to be inspired by pain. Happiness is an even better muse , the best inspiration there ever was.

Thank you J.

Just B

I write my story every day. Bruised and broken? Not me! Just like a lotus I bloom from the mud and show my beautiful colors.