14 days of happiness and whatnot

Busayomi Omotosho
2 min readJan 9, 2017

First day of work and I feel so ecstatic!

How come?

Is it because I wore a pretty pink dress that has fringe details on the sleeves? (Oh! I do love them! *does the shoulder shaking like in boomerang for Instagram*)

Maybe… maybe not.. Hmmmm

I wrote my resignation letter and also told my boss that I would be leaving and it felt extremely good! *shoulder shaking*

The last time I tendered my resignation letter, I was extremely angry,tired, hurt, and a whole other range of emotions raging inside me.

P.s: Can you believe I still miss working in that company? *shocked look*

This time, I had the calmness that I couldn’t even explain. *swipes donut packed hair*

I smiled even as I told the guy that I wanted to resign, odd right?

I think I was the happiest today in the office.. *blows kisses at Yetunde*

I smiled more freely, played more, laughed more, talked more, even listened more.

2017 is going to be a year of greatness!

It’s January, but I am of the mindset that says think what you want to attract and it will come true but not without challenges and hard work though.

It’s so nice to feel this rush of energy that hasn’t been felt in a really really really long time due to a whole lot of self pity, holding on to bad decisions made, indecision and a whole lot of other stuff.

I know it’s a little too early to start talking but a little appreciation never hurt anyone, right?

So here’s to bae, friends and family members that gave me a honest advice even when I was scared of it.

Thank you all.

Oh! Btw, I’ll be writing every day for the next 2weeks till camp and hopefully more after that.

Hope you stay tuned for more ;)

*raises glass to all the ladies in the house*



Busayomi Omotosho

A person who loves process development and execution, solving problems that make people’s lives easier.