Significance of Self-Introspection: Why is it important to look inside?

Bushra praveen
2 min readAug 4, 2021


self awareness

Throughout our daily lives, we keep on analyzing and observing things around us. Whether it’s an important office document or a confusing text from the opposite sex, we have trained our brains to observe things carefully and get the deeper meaning of everything. Critical thinking has become an important trait of our nature, but the irony is we often forget to apply this concept to ourselves. Yes, we are talking about Self-Introspection.

What is Self-Introspection?

It is an examination of our actions and inner thoughts. Introspection means — “To look Inside”. When you examine your own thoughts and think how it affects your life and others. But why it is important to introspect yourself on a regular basis? Here are the reasons.

  • It helps you to make decisions based on your conscience: Self — introspection helps you to trust your guts. And helps you to make better decisions.
  • It helps you to stay focused on the bigger picture: When we don’t have an overall goal in the mind. Daily routine work becomes meaningless. And regular introspection can help you stay focused on the bigger picture. To make it easier you can pen down your goals and aims on a paper
  • You can easily work on your shortcomings: A regular introspection can help you to work on your shortcomings because self-introspection can help you to easily figure them out. It will give you a happier life
  • Introspection allows you to admit your fear: Let’s admit that we all are afraid of something. Whether it’s failure, rejection, or anything, we all have fears. Introspection allows you to face that fear, and eventually, we learn the best way to handle it
  • It helps you to define your own happiness: It can actually help you to define your own happiness, which means more positivity in your attitude. Introspection can help you get rid of toxic people who hold you back. Read more



Bushra praveen

My self bushra parveen and I'm a digital marketer, I love my job and currently I'm working with Oneworldnews. OWN is a well established media company.