May 26, 2023


Deeds are the measure of our inner worth,

They shape our destiny, define our birth.

With acts of kindness, we ascend above,

Elevating hearts, spreading compassion like a dove.

A tender touch, a word that mends and heals,

A smile that bridges divides, unity reveals.

In these gestures of grace, we find our might,

As we uplift others, in shared delight.

No pedestals to claim, no walls to build,

Let humility guide us, our spirits fulfilled.

For we are interconnected, intertwined,

Interdependent beings, bound by ties that bind.

Let not pride and arrogance drive us apart,

But empathy and understanding, let’s impart.

Together, let’s forge a world just and right,

Where equality prevails, in love’s pure sight.

In this grand tapestry of life, we weave,

Connected by a common thread, we believe.

So let our hearts embrace this truth, so pure,

As equals we stand, forever secure.

