How to Recover Files from a Virus-Infected USB with BLR Tools

4 min readMay 9, 2024

In the modern digital landscape, USB drives have become indispensable tools for storing and transferring data. Whether it’s important work documents, cherished photos, or essential software, we rely on USB drives to keep our data accessible and portable. However, this convenience comes with risks, particularly the threat of viruses and malware that can compromise our files and wreak havoc on our systems.

Imagine this scenario:

you plug in your USB drive to access some files, only to discover that it’s infected with a malicious virus. Panic sets in as you realize that your valuable data may be compromised or even lost. Fortunately, there’s hope. With the right tools and know-how, you can recover your files and mitigate the damage caused by the virus. And when it comes to usb drive data recovery, BLR Tools is your trusted partner.

BLR Tools has long been recognized as a leader in data recovery solutions, offering a comprehensive suite of tools designed to retrieve lost or corrupted files from a variety of storage devices, including USB drives. In this blog post, we’ll explore how BLR Tools can help you recover files from a virus-infected USB drive, restoring your peace of mind and ensuring that your valuable data remains intact.

Understanding the Threat

Before we delve into the recovery process, it’s important to understand the nature of the threat posed by virus-infected USB drives. Viruses are malicious software programs designed to infiltrate and disrupt computer systems, often spreading through removable storage devices like USB drives. Once infected, these drives can become conduits for spreading the virus to other computers, making the problem even more widespread.

Common symptoms of a virus-infected USB drive include:

  1. Missing or Corrupted Files: Files on the USB drive may disappear or become inaccessible due to the virus’s actions.
  2. Strange Behavior: The USB drive may exhibit unusual behavior, such as opening files slowly or displaying error messages.
  3. Security Warnings: Your antivirus software may alert you to the presence of a virus when you insert the USB drive into your computer.

The BLR Tools Advantage

When faced with a virus-infected USB drive, time is of the essence. Prompt action is crucial to minimize the damage and maximize the chances of successful file recovery. That’s where BLR Tools comes in. With their cutting-edge data recovery software and expertise, BLR Tools offers a swift and effective solution to the problem of virus-infected USB drives.

Step-by-Step Recovery Guide

Here’s how to use BLR Tools to recover files from a virus-infected USB drive:

Step 1: Disconnect the USB Drive

The first step is to disconnect the infected USB drive from your computer to prevent the virus from spreading further. This will help contain the infection and minimize the risk of further data loss.

Step 2: Scan for Viruses

Before attempting any recovery operations, it’s essential to scan the USB drive for viruses using reliable antivirus software. This will help identify and eliminate any malicious software that may be present on the drive, reducing the risk of further contamination.

Step 3: Install BLR Data Recovery Software

Once the USB drive has been scanned and cleared of viruses, it’s time to install BLR Tools on your computer. You can download the usb data recovery software from the official BLR Tools website and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

Step 4: Launch BLR Tools

With the BLR software installed, launch the program and select the option to recover files from a USB drive. The software will prompt you to connect the infected USB drive to your computer.

Step 5: Select the USB Drive

Once the USB drive is connected, BLR Tools will detect it automatically and display it in the list of available drives. Select the infected USB drive from the list to proceed with the recovery process.

Step 6: Scan for Lost Files

BLR Tools will perform a thorough scan of the USB drive to locate any lost or corrupted files. This may take some time depending on the size of the drive and the extent of the damage caused by the virus.

Step 7: Preview and Recover Files

Once the scan is complete, BLR Tools will display a list of recoverable files found on the USB drive. You can preview the files to verify their integrity before proceeding with the recovery process. Select the files you want to recover and choose a safe location to save them on your computer.

Step 8: Complete the Recovery Process

After selecting the files to recover and specifying the destination folder, BLR Tools will begin the recovery process. Sit back and let the software work its magic, restoring your valuable data to its original state.

Step 9: Verify Recovered Files

Once the recovery process is complete, it’s a good idea to verify the recovered files to ensure that they’re intact and free from corruption. Open a few files to confirm that they can be accessed and viewed without any issues.


A virus-infected USB drive can be a nightmare scenario for anyone who relies on their data for work or personal use. Fortunately, with the right tools and expertise, you can recover your files and minimize the damage caused by the virus. BLR Tools offers a comprehensive data recovery software solution that can help you retrieve lost or corrupted files from a virus-infected USB drive, restoring your peace of mind and ensuring that your valuable data remains safe and secure.

Don’t let a virus derail your productivity or put your precious memories at risk. With BLR Tools by your side, you can confidently tackle the challenge of recovering files from a virus-infected USB drive, knowing that your data is in capable hands. Stay proactive, stay protected, and safeguard your data with BLR Tools.




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