Top 10 Scams in the World

Priya Jain
3 min readJan 4, 2024


Scams have plagued society for centuries, evolving with technological advancements and becoming increasingly sophisticated. While some scams are well-known, others have remained under the radar, defrauding countless individuals and businesses. Here, we provide detailed explanations and real-world examples of the top 10 eye-opening scams.

1. Nigerian Prince Scam

Also known as a 419 scam, this involves an email from someone claiming to be a Nigerian prince or government official. They promise large sums of money in exchange for a small upfront fee to help with relocation costs.

Example: In one infamous case, victims wired millions of dollars to scammers posing as Nigerian officials, only to later realize that the promised funds did not exist.

Sourced: Nord VPN

2. Copyright Infringement Scams

Scammers impersonate copyright holders, sending fraudulent infringement notices demanding payment to avoid legal action.

Example: A photographer received a fraudulent notice claiming copyright infringement for using his own photograph, demanding payment to avoid litigation.

Image Copyright scam

3. Online Dating Scams

Scammers create fake profiles on dating platforms, building relationships with victims before exploiting them for money.

Example: US A victim in the U.S. sent more than $100,000 to a scammer she met online, believing his stories of financial hardship and promises of love. Read in details at Kaspersky.

4. Technical Support Scams

Scammers pose as technical support representatives, claiming to identify problems with the victim’s computer and offer to fix them for a fee.

Example: A pop-up message instructs the user to call a fake technical support number, leading to payment for unnecessary services and possible malware installation.

5. Identity theft

Scammers steal personal information to impersonate victims, access their finances, and commit fraud in their name.

Example: A data breach at a major retailer exposed millions of customer records, leading to massive identity theft and financial losses.

6. Cryptocurrency Scams

Scammers take advantage of the popularity of cryptocurrencies, creating fake exchanges, wallets, or offering fraudulent investment opportunities.

Example: An ICO (initial coin offering) promised revolutionary technology but disappeared after raising millions from investors.

7. Ponzi Schemes

This scam, named after Charles Ponzi, involves promising investors high returns using new investors’ money instead of legitimate profits.

Example: Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme is one of the largest schemes in history, defrauding investors of billions over several decades.

8. Phishing attacks

Scammers send deceptive emails or messages, impersonating trusted entities to trick recipients into revealing sensitive information or making payments.

Example: Employees of a company received emails from HR requesting login credentials, leading to a data breach.

9. Fake charity scams

Scammers take advantage of tragedies or disasters, creating fake charities to solicit donations that never reach those in need.

Example: After a natural disaster, many fake charities emerged, collecting donations but providing little or no relief to the affected communities.

10. Romance investment scams

Scammers form romantic relationships with victims, gaining their trust before convincing them to invest in fraudulent schemes.

Example: A victim was lured by a scammer who promised a luxurious lifestyle and convinced her to invest in a fake business, resulting in significant financial losses.


Scams are constantly evolving, exploiting vulnerabilities and preying on trust. By understanding these top 10 eye-opening scams and their examples, individuals and businesses can remain alert, recognize danger signs and protect themselves from becoming victims of fraud. Awareness, education, and skepticism are vital in the ongoing fight against fraud and exploitation.



Priya Jain

Priya Jain is a business analyst cum blogger who writes blogs on MSMEs, Startup Business, Entrepreneurship, AI, Leadership Qualities, Motivational & life style.