Busl. Blog
4 min readJun 26, 2019

I’ve always been passionate about the world around me. Arguably too passionate.

When I was a tiny toddler, I used to scoop up ants in my back garden, I named them all by the way, and they were all named the same - squish (sorry ants). Thing’s haven’t really gotten much better since then. Don’t worry, I no longer wreak havoc on the animal kingdom - but I do have a reputation amongst friends and family for having my own zoo. Two cats, two rats, and one Romanian rescue dog. I also take a no-meat approach to food, have a garden full of “bee-friendly” plants and try to educate myself daily on how I can do better for our planet.

So, when the opportunity presented itself to get involved with an organisation that shared my thoughts and feelings on sustainability, I could hardly say no!

Hi – my name is Fiona!

I’ve been writing for a good few years now, and it’s something that I’m incredibly proud of.

I got my degree in English Literature and Creative Writing back in 2013 with the hopes of becoming an English teacher. To garner some relevant experience I started tutoring, which soon led to me being contacted by the head of a private school looking for maternity cover. I’d done it! I was soon to live out my dream, and it hadn’t even taken that long.

I don’t regret my nine months as an English teacher. But, let me tell you that even in a private school with classes of no more than 20 kids, high school children can be mean.

So, teaching wasn’t for me after all. But what else did I care about? As well as a love for the world, I also have a love for people. So, it made sense at that time for me to go into the NHS, where I spent the next three years working in general practice. I loved this period of my life; it gave me the confidence to handle hard situations and opened my eyes to the struggles people go through every day.

The term freelance copywriter wasn’t really something I had come across before. All I knew was that I wanted to put my degree to use doing something I loved. So, after some internet browsing - I joined a freelance website and started writing for people, for money, on the side of my regular job. From day 1 I never earnt less than the small monthly subscription fee I was paying to be on the site, and that’s kind of when I knew that I had found something that I love, but also that paid a wage.

It didn’t take long before I was able to match my fulltime wage and I was learning something new every day, and meeting some pretty great people (and honestly, some not so great ones too) - the thing about starting your own business is that you can choose who you do and don’t want to work with, whose views you share, and those you don’t.

Fast forward to now, I work full-time as a freelance copywriter, and full-time at a digital marketing agency as a digital copywriter. On my own, I have built up a regular client base, some of which have been with me from the very beginning, and others who have found me through word of mouth. Through my work at the digital agency, I have learnt the ins and outs of things like SEO, which has proved invaluable and something that has helped me write better content without a doubt.

And, that takes us up to present day!

Why Busl?

So, going back to Busl. Why did I want to get involved? Yes, I love writing, and yes, I care about the planet – but what was it about Busl that I couldn’t say no to? The obvious things aside, it was the team that really had me sold!

A small, passionate group of people that actually cared about what they were trying to create. And not just care about the reward, but actual real care about the bigger picture of their work. In the world of sales and marketing, it can sometimes be hard to find people like that, so I was pretty instantly reeled in by the whole package that working for Busl offered.

What can you expect from me?

I hope to be a part of the Busl journey from here on in, and you can expect this to be the first of many blogs written by me. From sustainability to the importance of thoughtful consumerism – Busl is going to be a hub you can hopefully turn to when you have a burning question, or when you want to keep up to date with the most current news in the world of sustainability!
Watch this space 😊