Weight Loss Success Stories With Before And After & Tips

john smite
5 min readSep 22, 2020


This most inspiring weight loss success story and you can do it too. Lets read this amazing story.

Would you have recognized me?This is what I looked like at the end of 2017, just before I made the decision to change my life and my attitude.
Every change begins in the mind. And who knows me, a goal I have set myself, I pursue with great tenacity and consistency. Evil tongues also like to call it “stubbornness.”

Weight Loss Before and After Women Pic

But when I look back on the last two years, this was the only right way, no matter how you call it now; determined, persistent, consistent or stubborn.
I have achieved my goal, and I am unreservedly proud of it. Even if it includes turning my life upside down.
Many things have changed for the better for me, even if some things began with horror, because some people around me could not deal with my new self and my new attitude towards life, which includes saying “no” and “stop.”

“I didn’t want to get high blood pressure or diabetes in my mid-30s.”

I have always had weight loss problems. Even as a child I was a bit chubby and this got worse and worse over the years.
For a long time I could talk myself into it, but in the end I had to admit to myself that I was no longer moppy but simply fat.

Success Weight Loss Story Journey

Something had to happen. I didn’t want to run the risk of developing high blood pressure or diabetes in my mid-30s and see every movement as a burden.
That very evening, I signed up for a program that has already achieved many successes with a sustainable change in diet. Almost pedantically I have been keeping a nutrition diary since that day, documenting everything I eat and drink.

“I had to find alternatives to my previous meals.”

In order to be able to keep to my available daily budget, I had to deal with my eating habits and find healthy and satisfying alternatives to calorie-rich food.
For example, I found out that you hardly taste any difference when you cook a classic spaghetti bolognese with tartar instead of mixed minced meat. This little trick saves a lot of calories. If you now reduce the amount of spaghetti and add vegetables to the sauce, you get a tasty, healthy and satisfying dish for the whole family.

I still have a lot of fun today changing classic recipes so that they fit into my diet plan and taste good with family, friends and acquaintances. For me, healthy eating does not mean giving up, because I can always conjure up delicious dishes that don’t let the dietary idea come up in the first place.

5 Tips For Success Weight Loss

1. Search for alternatives

If you want write your weight loss success stories journey, don’t let a feeling of renunciation arise, but look for alternatives for caloric favorite foods. I personally love ice cream. My alternative is to mix frozen fruit with a banana and skimmed milk yogurt and enjoy it as soft ice cream. And every now and then it can be a real ice cream. But then I deliberately enjoy a scoop in my favorite ice cream parlor and not a whole sundae with cream.

2. Sugar withdrawal

I began my path with a radical sugar withdrawal. This means that I have not eaten sugar, sweets or the like for several months. At the beginning of the change of diet, you are still highly motivated. Use this time to wean your body from sugar.

3. Stay consistent, do not allow unplanned exceptions.

Even if the people around me are annoyed from time to time by my consistent attitude towards my diet, there is no exception for me. I can live well with sitting at the coffee table and eating not a cake but perhaps an apple.

If others get a guilty conscience because of it, that is not my problem. And if I feel like having a piece of cake, I plan it in advance and enjoy it. By the way, most hosts are happy if you bring a cake, a dessert or a salad. I have always liked to use this to bring something suitable for me. Most of the time nobody noticed.

4. Restaurant visits

I don’t want to chasten myself and do without restaurant visits with my friends. If I had started with that, I would probably never have been successful. So I still go to my favorite Italian or tribal Greek restaurant.

But I plan this visit carefully and like to look at the menu in advance to choose a healthy, tasty dish that fits my eating habits — and it doesn’t always have to be a salad.
I personally like to choose grilled fish or grilled meat with vegetables and simply do without the carbohydrate-rich side dish in the form of pasta, potatoes or rice.

5. Set milestones

Sometimes the mountain to be climbed seems huge. Then it helps to set stage goals. I have divided my decline into two intermediate goals and one final goal. After every success I achieved, I rewarded myself; not with food, however, but with a new piece of clothing, an appointment with the beautician or an excursion, for example.

My path was certainly not always easy. There were good weeks, as well as dry spells and days when I doubted myself so much that I wanted to throw everything away. But looking back on what I had already achieved motivated me again and again.

“No piece of chocolate can compensate for the new body feeling”

In the end, getting up after a setback made me stronger every time. Today I enjoy my new life and gain my weight loss — the energy and the urge to move, shopping in normal boutiques and the compliments. All this I would not like to miss anymore. No piece of cake or chocolate, no pizza can outweigh the feeling when I walk up the mountain happily and light-footedly and enjoy the summit happiness with my husband and dog.

It’s amazing how a thought that was put into action without further ado has changed my life for the long term and how I suddenly have a burning desire for healthy food and sport… I can only advise everyone to take the first step now. Find a program that suits you, whether it’s Low Carb, Weight Watchers, weight loss training, Eat Half, or Calorie Counting; there are an infinite number of diets or nutrition programs that promise your weight loss success stories.

