Dog Reviews

4 min readJun 21, 2022


Pitbull Puppies

American Pit Bull Terriers can come across as self-assured and tough with their muscular, stocky builds and powerful jaws. Their impressive heads are large and square in shape, while their chests are strong and well-defined. Despite the initial “too cool for school” aura, just take one look at their soulful brown eyes and cute jowl face and it will become clear they are anything but. These curious, intelligent dogs are always sniffing out a new adventure with their wide nostrils or clowning around at your side to get your attention. Their short, smooth, and low-maintenance coat hugs their bodies and comes in every imaginable color and combination you can think of, other than merle (mottled patches of color).

American Pit Bull Terrier Temperament

Your American Pit Bull Terrier would take a bullet for you but would still be a lousy guard dog. That’s because they tend to become BFFs with everyone they meet when they’re properly trained and socialized. Contrary to what you may have heard, this friendly — even goofy — breed brims over with enthusiasm for humans (even strangers), and one of their strongest desires is to please their families.

With one of these pups at your side, you should be prepared for lots of sloppy kisses and a constant shadow following you everywhere you go. You couldn’t ask for a better family companion, and their well-noted love of children is a definite plus. While untrained Pitties can have a tendency to chase after small animals like cats or squirrels, aggression towards humans is uncharacteristic of the breed, and biting is no more prevalent than among any other type of dog. With the right amount of patience and training, your pet can live peacefully with any four-legged sibling at home, once you make the proper introductions.

Thanks to their high intelligence, energy, and stamina, the American Pit Bull Terrier breed makes a great service or therapy dog. They’ve also been used for border patrol, detecting drugs and explosives, and search and rescue functions.

Cavapoo Puppies

It’s a good thing this dog loves people because Cavapoo grooming requires a lot of attention. Let’s start with that luxurious coat.

“Be prepared for continuous grooming, and save accordingly for this important aspect of maintenance,” Singletary says. “Regular grooming can prevent infections of the ears, eyes, and skin, so it shouldn’t be overlooked as an important aspect of your dog’s health.” Frequent brushing — at least three times a week — with a slicker brush and de-matter should be on the schedule for a quality coat, along with professional grooming every six weeks or so. Matting around the tail, hindquarters, and lower belly are particularly common, and some dogs are quite sensitive in these areas, so keep that in mind.

Do Cavapoos shed?

A little, usually in the spring and fall. Consistent grooming habits help minimize the flood. Many people believe these and other designer hybrids with poodle genes are good choices because they don’t shed as much, which hopefully means fewer allergens and less mess. But reduced Cavapoo shedding isn’t a guarantee against allergic reactions. It really depends on how a person’s immune system responds to the Can f1 protein present in an animal’s dander, saliva, and urine. A veterinarian can test your Cavapoo for this protein level and provide recommendations.

Intelligence & Trainability

Poodles are highly trainable. They pick up on patterns quickly and don’t require very much motivation or reward beyond treats. They are natural learners making for rewarding canine training sessions for both themselves and their owners. Compared to many other dog breeds, housetraining is typically a breeze for teacup poodle for sale.

Once basic obedience is achieved, a Poodle is ready to graduate to advanced obedience, trick training, or agility courses. Poodles are known for their intelligence and excel naturally in agility competitions. They love to learn and want to please their owners. You can teach your pup to pick up the newspaper and bring you your slippers. They appreciate any opportunity to learn.

Poodle Temperament & Personality

Before bringing a Poodle into your family, you should have a good understanding of their personality traits. Learn more about the temperament and personality of Poodles here so you can make an informed decision about bringing one into your home.

Poodles are one of the most popular dog breeds in America in both purebred forms and in Poodle mixes as well as ‘designer dog’ forms. A Poodle mix often crosses with another pure breed to produce a Yorkie Poo, Labradoodle, Goldendoodle, Cavapoo as well as several other breeds.

Poodles have been around since the 15th century and appear to have been first bred in Germany. Furthermore, the dog breed quickly gained popularity in France and Spain, before ultimately becoming most popular in England.

