5 Things to Consider Before You Buy A New Apartment

BuyYourAsset (Digital)
2 min readNov 18, 2019


For almost all of us, buying a house of our own has been a childhood dream. While some of us save penny after penny from our monthly paychecks, some of us go for a convenient home loan to secure the house of our dreams.

Now, if you are going to invest your hard-earned money, it is only fair that you put in enough time and care in ensuring that the apartment you are buying is worth it. A thorough scrutiny of a few parameters about your would-be home goes a long way in making sure that you find the perfect, hassle-free place to live in. Here is a checklist of the things to consider before you zero in on an apartment to buy:

  • Locality: Make sure that the neighborhood your apartment is situated in is safe. Asking the residents of the area can always be insightful in this case. Make a note of the nearest police station in case of any emergencies.
  • Transportation: Wherever you live, ensure that you are aware of the roads and options of public transport available in the area. For example, if you are looking for apartments in Noida, learn about the highways and availability of buses, cabs et cetera in the area.
  • Facilities available: Take a look around to hunt out if the area has basic establishments such as grocery stores, schools, parks, and hospitals.
  • Infrastructure: Try to conduct a thorough scrutiny of the interiors as well as exteriors of the apartment you are looking to buy. Any cracks in the pillars or beams, any water leaks in the pipes or mold on the wall are tell-tale signs of long-term risk.
  • Cell reception: Make sure that your apartment has proper cell reception. If you are going to live somewhere, it is crucial that your phone and internet work there.

