BUZCOIN and Olga Buzova: this is the future

1 min readAug 23, 2018


People often say: we must live for today, but what does it mean?

Just yesterday there was a boom of smartphones, earlier- of the Internet, and quite a long time ago — the invention of electricity and steam engine.

But that was all yesterday.

What about today?

What characterizes today?

This is BUZCOIN, which became a hit along with the huge popularity of Olga Buzova.

Obviously, this is a trend that will determine our future when BUZAR platform is launched.

We are all here and now, but BUZCOIN is the time machine that allows us to take a step into the world of the future.

This is the gift which Olga Buzova gives us, opening the opportunity to invest in BUZCOIN.

We meet the future today, being on the crest of a technological wave called BUZCOIN


