BUZCOIN, and what else?

1 min readAug 20, 2018


Now many analysts of the crypto-currency market are beginning to agree that it will be a big shake — up: some note that the “evaporation” of 600 billion dollars of capitalization from the market since the beginning of the year is a harbinger of the fact that only a few players will remain on it.

It is possible to explain in detail why the market will still have BUZCOIN, it is enough to carefully read the White Paper of this project, to learn about what is planned for the launch of the platform BUZAR and understand: BUZCOIN-is something new, made by a professional team, really beautiful and attractive.

A phenomenon that combines a deep technical “stuffing” together with the emotional sincerity that attracts investors to BUZCOIN, which makes this token a new Bitcoin, only fundamentally more open and responsible, since everything that is taken by Olga Buzova and those professionals whom she attracts to her team is done in the hope of success.


