BUZCOIN critics have no real arguments

1 min readAug 6, 2018


In the crypto-currency world competition for investors’ attention is intensifying. And, alas, it is not always conducted in honest ways.

If you read the critics of Olga Buzova project, it is unclear what they do not like. And hang negative labels-it’s not a criticism, but just a usual trolling based on envy.

BUZCOIN- has a great team, world fame, which is achieved due to the fact that the popularity of Olga Buzova has stepped far beyond the borders of Russia. And the reason for this is clear: in Europe people who like Olga Buzova “make themselves” work hard.

Olga Buzova and talent, and the person who dedicates everything to her projects. Yes, it is difficult to understand but she manages everything.

And the main inspiration she draws from millions of fans. This source of energy and people’s love is what makes BUZCOIN a powerful project.


