40% of Millennials own cryptocurrencies

2 min readAug 9, 2018

-- conducted a study on the attitude to cryptocurrencies, the main idea of which was that the most important obstacle to the acquisition of cryptocurrencies is ignorance of how to do it, coupled with difficulties in investing in cryptocurrencies.

It is interesting that for a generation of Millennials, that is, people between the ages of 18 and 37, it is very important that new people with whom they want to have a relationship know something about cryptocurrencies.

This was stated by 75% of respondents representing this age group.

At the same time, only 12% of respondents would agree to reunite their lives with a person who has invested all their savings in cryptocurrency -this shows that the growth of interest in cryptocurrencies is of professional nature, that is, people in the majority of them are responsible for such investment, rightly believing that it is not necessary to “put eggs in one basket”.

It is noteworthy that the survey showed a very significant percentage of those Millennials that own cryptocurrencies — those were 40%.

From this age category, almost every second man owns cryptocurrency (48%), and among women — every fourth (26%).

However, all this does not mean that the owners of cryptocurrencies do not carry out transactions with them in pairs with ordinary money: every tenth respondent who solved his housing problem, said that he sold some of his cryptocurrency to pay an initial mortgage loan fee.

