Do you know a well — known bitcoin logo — no longer a public domain, but someone’s property?

2 min readMay 30, 2018


In April 2018, the British company A. B. C. IPHoldings South West LLC acquired the trademark “Bitcoin” and now threatens the entrepreneur who sells t-shirts with the logo of bitcoin with a lawsuit!

On May 2018 the entrepreneur received a letter from the company, which claimed its rights to the trademark “Bitcoin” in the UK.

At first, he could not believe it, since a similar application for the registration of the trademark “Bitcoin” was rejected even in the US.

However, having studied the issue in more detail, he found out that A. B. C. IPHoldings South West LLC filed an application to the office of intellectual property of Britain in December 2017, and today it really owns it.

The brand applies to such classes of goods as shoes, clothing, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

The trademark “Bitcoin” was registered in Russia in April 2016.

However, then Alex Fork (a member of the Blockchain Board community) stated that this sign will not be used by Bitcoin LLC for commercial purposes.

Moreover, the sign was registered in order to prevent the possible monopolization of the Bitcoin brand in one hand, followed by the pumping of funds from Russian users of cryptocurrencies.

